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Fergal's POV

I looked over at Pam as I rubbed her side and sighed. I hated seeing her in the much pain. And I hated knowing that there was nothing I could do for her but hold her in my arms and try and make her as comfortable as possible.

"Is the cramping letting up?"

Sasha asked Pam.


She said as she gripped onto a pillow. My heart felt so heavy when I watched her struggle.

"Can I get you anything, babe?"

I asked her.


She simply replied as she wiped her tears. I looked at the monitor that was hooked up to Pam's stomach and sighed. At least the baby was still doing okay.

I sighed as I heard a knock on the door.

"Um, Hi."

Seth said as he stood at the doorway.

"What in the hell are you doing here?"

I yelled at him.

"Listen, I heard about what happened. I just want to be there for Pam and my baby."

"Oh, so now you wanna be here? You kicked her out and you still had two months to be a fucking man and show any concern for your baby but you didn't."

I said as I got in his face.

"Fergal, just stop."

Pam said weakly. I walked over to her side and crouched down beside her bed.

"You want him in here, Love?"

I asked her.

"Yeah. I mean, give him one chance. But only one."

She said. Then she slowly moved the blanket to reveal her exposed stomach with multiple wires attached to it. She put her hand on it as she started crying.

"Shhh, love. It's gonna be okay."

I said as I held her. I wish I knew if there was and truth behind that statement though.

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