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Pictures flashed through Tweek's mind, almost like visions, or puzzle pieces leaving him completely clueless on what to do with them. One second he was seeing buildings, then the next the faces of people he couldn't name. He'd been idly watching Token leaving, not noticing Craig standing beside him. That was until the front door was shut and Craig yawned into his hand, causing Tweek to flinch at the proximity. "Jesus Christ! Do you always stand this close to people?"

"Get dressed, we're going out." Craig said, completely ignoring Tweek's glare.

"What? No." Tweek frowned. "I'm staying here."

"You asked me how you're supposed to trust me. So get changed, and let me show you that you can."

"But it's too cold outside..." Tweek shifted uncomfortably, searching for any excuse not to have to spend the day with Craig. "And doctors said I should really rest my arm."

Unfazed by the concern in the blondes eye, Craig lightly guided him towards the stairs, despite the look of horror Tweek made from the contact. "Your arms fine, and I was there when they told you it'd be a good thing to carry on your routine as normal as possible."

"Well that's the thing," Tweek halted, shrugging Craig's hand from himself. "I don't remember my routine, do I? For all I know, my routine could be sitting around all day while watching television."

"Not even close, you're too paranoid of being mind controlled." By this point, Craig had made himself into a barrier, blocking Tweek's exit, so that the only direction he could go in, was up. "Now will you please just get dressed. I'm trying to help you."

Reluctantly Tweek agreed, only after realising Craig wasn't going to give up anytime soon, and so he climbed the foreign steps, before hesitating about which room to enter. He'd forgotten which was supposedly his bedroom already, but soon remembered after Craig gestured him to the far left.

His room was cold. Colder than he recalled it being only an hour ago when he'd first awoken. It felt as though he were raiding someone else's drawers as he looked for something to wear, someone with a lack of fashion sense. Another look in the mirror made him reconsider changing his clothes, and instead he headed to the shower, needing to wash away the past three days from his hair and body.

The bathroom was small with no window, and its walls were a plain white that reminded Tweek too much of the hospital he'd just left. He was overly aware of the broken lock, and how anxious he felt to expose himself with such a risk. Then again, as the warm water rained down on his neglected body, he instantly relaxed, feeling every nerve in his body in ease. The fact he had to avoid getting his injured arm wet seemed minor in comparison.

This euphoric state hadn't lasted long though. Ice cold water broke through the shower head, grasping a helpless yelp from Tweek's lips as he jumped back in shock, with his cast becoming damp. He rushed to turn the water off, feeling his entire body shake painfully before he pulled the shower curtain back to see Craig innocently flushing the toilet repeatedly.

A quiet "Why?" was all he could manage.

Craig averted his eyes from his naked friend. He figured Tweek was either too cold to realise he hadn't covered himself up, or he just didn't have a care. "We don't have all day."

"Are you this needy with everyone?" Tweek grumbled as he wrapped a towel around his shoulders like a child. He was too cold.

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