Chapter 12: Second Chance

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Chapter 12: Second Chance

  "Who was that?" Renz asked.

  "Just a friend i have to meet." I said with a shrug. I look calm and relax but inside, i'm panicking and very nervous.

  "Then why do you look so shock and nervous earlier?" Jack asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "I was just shock because he told me something that i intend to keep a secret." I lied. They look quite convinced.

  "Are you telling the truth?" Renz asked.

  "Yup. And please stop worrying about me." But i really wanted to say, 'No, i'm actually nervous because the guy that i have to meet broke my heart'.

  "Ok.. we will leave you for now." Renz said. He then dragged Jack out of my room. Once their out of hearing distance, i let out a heavy sigh.

  I slapped my face lightly and hurried to the bathroom. I took a quick bath and got dressed. I wore a blue peek-a-boo blouse, faded blue skinny jeans and converse. My hair on a side braid. I took money and my cellphone, slipped it on my jeans and then i exited my room.

  I entered the living room and saw Jack and Renz, sitting on the couch and watching TV.

  "Are you sure your meeting a friend? Its more like your going on a date." Jack said but i didn't catch the last part. Before i question him, Renz elbowed him causing him to scowl.

  "Uh.. I'll be going now. Later!" I yelled before leaving the house.

  What's up with Jack? He's acting different after that phone call. He became quiet and cold..?


  When i arrived at the meeting place, i saw a guy about my age with brown hair, green eyes, sharp nose, thin eyebrows, long eyelashes, soft lips and slightly tanned skin. In other words, Francis Johnson. My ex-crush.

  He was leaning on a tree, reading a book and one hand on his jean pocket. He was wearing a red sweatshirt, and pants. The word cute is an understatement.

  I nervously approached him. And when i was exactly infront of him, he still hasn't notice me. I faked a cough to catch his attention.

  *Ahem Ahem Ahem*

  He removed his gaze from his book and looked at me. Our eyes met.

  "Rein..?" He asked quite shock.

  "Umm.. yeah?" I asked. I'm so nervous that i felt my heart was going to come out of my chest any minute now.

  Before he continued, he lead me to a nearby bench to sit.

  "I just wanted to say sorry." He started. I just looked at him on confusion.

  "Sorry for what?"

  "For you know, breaking your heart..."

  "Oh.. Don't worry about that."

  "But still.. I was really confused that time because of some family problems and i was surprised about your sudden approach. I really don't know why i rejected you that time. Maybe because i didn't want you to be involved in my problems."

  "And what are you trying to imply here?"

  "Now that my problem is solve, I wanted to ask for a second chance."

  I looked at him in disbelief.

  "Second chance...?"

  "Yes.. I wanted to ask if i can court you?"

  My eyes widened in disbelief. My heart beat raced a beat. Is he serious? Or is he toying with me?

  "Are you serious? "

  "Never been serious in my life."

  I hesitated. His voice shows off how sincere he is. He did broke my heart but i already moved on. But what if he's the one for me? Maybe i should give him a chance.

  "Uhhh...Ok.. but i can't promise anything."

  "You don't have to.. I just wanted to express my feelings for you."


  Francis just smiled at me. A cute smile and it made my heart leap. I looked away from him, trying to hide my blush.

  "Well, i better get going." I said.

  "Ok. Let me walk you home."

  "No need."

  "You just said i can court you. And this is one of my ways." He insisted. He gave me a pleading look. I hesitated but agreed.


  "Renz, i'm home!" I yelled. I looked back to Francis before fully entering the house.

  "You want to come in and have a drink?" I asked him.

  "No thanks. Maybe next time." He said.

  I was about to counter but was rudely interrupted.

  "A friend?"

  I looked back and saw Jack leaning on the door frame of the kitchen just across the front door. He has this annoyed look on his face.


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Love lots,


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