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Being the new kid sucks.

I moved from Seattle, Washington to Hawkins, Indiana. What a downgrade. I walked down the dreaded halls of Hawkins Middle School to my locker. I opened it before four boys came up to me. I looked at them with a weird expression before one of them finally spoke up.

"Uhh... Hello! Welcome to Hawkins. I'm Dustin and these are my friends." Dustin pointed to the three awkward boys, they started to wave.

The dark skinned boy introduced himself as Lucas. The tall boy introduced himself as Mike and the cu- uhh I mean the one with the bowl-cut(?) introduced himself as Will. "My name is Y/N, thanks for talking to me I guess," I said, looking down at the ground.

*time skip*

Hanging out with the boys is pretty entertaining. Dustin and Lucas always argue over the stupidest thing but they always make up afterwards.

Mike is a little quiet and more awkward than the boys but is actually nice and open.

Will is an amazing artist. I like to draw too so it's really easy to connect with him.

We are chilling at Mike's house in the basement, the boys and I are Truth or Dare (which is kinda a bad thing)

So far, Lucas pranked called Ms. Loren (our math teacher) and got scolded real bad. Dustin admitted that stole Lucas' G.I Joe action figure and Mike was dared to steal Nancy's love notes and acted them out. It was my turn to get the dreaded question from Dustin.

"Y/N, Truth or Dare?" Dustin said with a smirk on his face. "Truth!" I blurted it out. I didn't want to get in trouble or embarrassed myself in front of my new friends with something I'll regret. " Do you have a boyfriend?" He replied.

I choked on my apple juice and glared at Dustin while Lucas and Mike started to giggle. I turn to Will who looks a little shocked but hurt.

I quickly said no, why would he ask that? I saw Will give Dustin a death glare before getting up and saying "it's getting late guys, I should probably go home," the boys booed and Will stick out his tongue before going upstairs.

Why is he leaving so early? Is it something that Dustin said? Did he get too uncomfortable?

My legs have a mind of its own since I got up ran upstairs catching Will opening the door.

"Hey Will, why you're leaving so early it's only 7?" I asked.

"I got bored." He replied with no emotion in his voice.

"Something's wrong Byers, tell me!" I exclaimed.

"It just, I-I-I-"

"Spit it out, Will!"

"I like you and it hurt when Dustin said that if you had a boyfriend and so I got jealous. When I first laid eyes on you, my heart stopped cause you are so beautiful and so kind. You didn't brush us off like we are some dust, you actually thought we were cool and I-"

I kissed him on the cheek and said: "I like you too."

We both hugged each other and smiled before the boys caught us and hollered at us.

Maybe Hawkins wasn't such a downgrade after all.

Hey kiddos, thanks for reading this (cringe) book. I really appreciate it. I will make new parts and shit but I have school and writer's block so it would take me a long time (sucks) Happy December!~Logan

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