{Part Twenty} Gay

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Eddies POV

The bell finally rings indicating the end of this hellish day. I get up and bolt out of the classroom to once again, get away from Henry Bowers. Now I know what path to take I don't have to wait for Ben, and I carefully sneak out the back door, almost getting caught by Mr Wven. I make it to the tight, bumpy path and pace down it towards the losers. I told mother that I was going to the library to finish some research but actually the whole gang is going to the barrens.

I see Richie and Beverly smoking and sitting on the bike racks waiting for us all to arrive. Looks like I'm early (no surprise there..) And to be honest if it wasn't for them obviously ditching 6th period to smoke I would have been the first one there.

"Hey," I say softly as I arrive at the meeting area. Richie stops talking abruptly and gives Bev a look I can't quite decode.

"Hello dearest Eds" Richie says bowing down while he grabs my hand and pecks it, and we both go bright red, "how are you this fine afternoon?"

"Meh" I say following Richie hopping up onto the wall. They look at me in shock as I usually tell them off as it is a 'danger hazard' but to be honest I really don't care anymore.

"Wow you must of had a crap day,"Bev says glancing at Richie knowingly. In the distance I see Bill and Mike walking towards us. I greet them with a smile which I don't get in return and Bill starts to unlock his oversized bike.

"Stans not c-coming." He says not breaking his focus on unlocking his bike, which he seems to be failing at as his hands are shaking so much he can't get the key in the lock.

"S-s-sHIT" He shouts throwing the key to the floor. Mike places his hand on his shoulder to comfort him, picks up the key and starts to unlock his bike.

"Why isn't he comi-" Beverly starts but is interrupted by a voice calling to them.

"Sorry we're late!" Ben huffs, panting out of breath. But no one pays attention to him as Stan is awkwardly standing next to him, shifting from foot to foot.

"Well this is jolly well awkward isn't it my dearest Eddie-bear" Richie says really not helping the situation, I see Bill and Stans eyes both glaring at Richie for making the situation 100x more awkward, I roll my eyes and say the one thing that can shut him up "Beep beep Richie" he groans and I giggle and it's like it's only the two of us, but Mike brings me out of my trance..

"Go go power rangers!" Mike shouts and runs off screaming "LAST ONE THERE HAS TO SKINNY DIP IN THE WATER"

"Hey! Thats no fair you started first!" Bev shouts before winking at us all and breaking into a run,

"Aw shit" Richie says and also starts to run and before I know it we are all running as fast as we can (except Bill he's on his bike). I feel the urge for my inhaler so I give up and stop running, pulling it out of my fanny pack, to my surprise Richie stops also and as I take a few puffs and he waits for me. We decide to walk the rest of the way as whats the point of running again, Richie will obviously beat me and I will refuse to do whatever stupid thing was the punishment, and Richie will do it even though he didn't lose. It happens every time.

"So Eds, w-"

"Don't call me that," I interrupt and start to laugh. He joins in, his hair bouncing to and fro, his clunky glasses nearly falling off his smooth beautiful face, I find myself staring and I direct my vision to the path ahead, god I've fallen haven't I? Shit.


"Richie, RICHIE no don't! YOUR SO STUPID your going to get HYPOTHERMIA, rich RICHIE NO aw OMG your so stupid GET OUT DIPSHIT no DON'T GO FURTHER the deeper, the COLDER, for fucks sake Richie. YOU DIDN'T EVEN LOSE THE DARE. richie I don't care that you have 'thick skin' yOUR GOING TO DIE. in your fucking BOXERS. Oh my god I give up, Mike you take over" 

"RICHIE GET THE FUCK OUT OR I'M GOING TO TAKE AWAY YOUR JOKE BOOK" Mike yells and Richie instantly jumps out the water and shakes like a wet dog.

"You wouldn't dare" He threatens wagging his finger at Mike.

"For fucks sake Trashmouth can you just join the circle I have something I wanna tell you guys." This perks up everyones attention because they want to know what it is and when I look back at the circle everyones looking at me waiting for me to announce what I'm going to say. I don't know why I thought I could this, oh god is it too late to fucking run? Oh god everyones staring at me AGH I'm just going to blurt it out.. I know that is won't cause any problems I just.. its harder then I thought it would be.

"Wow okay, I'm urr just going to um say it?" I say my voice shaking "Aw shit what the hell, I'm fucking gay" I close my eyes waiting for the reaction of the others, not noticing a single tear slide down my face. I guess when I said it the reality hit me. Theres something wrong with me, I'm a fag, everyones going to judge me, I'm not excepted in the world. I will never be wanted. All these thoughts flying through my head make me dizzy and I start to properly cry. I feel a hand on my shoulder and someone pulls me to their chest, I can now feels everyone elses hands and when I open my eyes after a few minutes later, I am being held by the best people in my life, my friends. 

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