No.84 - @N.Longbottom

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@N.Longbottom - Winter walks with Luna!

Tagged: @NarglesLoveLuna

48K Likes | 5 comments

@Hermione-J-Granger : You guys are absolutely adorable! <3 Luna needs to take off those boots otherwise she'll be taller than you Neville!
@N.Longbottom : I shall grow just for that! 😂
@BlaiseIsOnFire : It was great to see you again, Neville. Hadn't seen you in a long time! I wish we could all see each other more often!
@P-Parkinson : It was really nice to catch up with you, Luna! Same Blaise; even though we live in quite the same area, we are all very busy with our own lives!
@NarglesLoveLuna : We need to meet up more often! We should make time out of our week to!
@P-Parkinson : Definitely! + all the girls need to meet up as well so we can have our girls day out, without having anyone missing! 😂

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