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Narrarator Senpai: In the kingdom of Vale four young huntresses in training go about their daily business, they attend class, do homework, go shopping, do their nails, talk about cute... I'm getting sidetracked. Not even sure why I'm  talking about Team RWBY as they are not even the starting point of our tale. No, this story begins up north in a kingdom known as... Scotland.

Omega: Try again bud.

NS: Atlas...

Omega: Good boy. Heres a cookie.

NS: Munches on cookie* sho anyway. Thish shtory re...

Omega: Swallow. Then talk.

NS: Oh yeah. Gulp*. This story starts in Atlas, more specifically Atlas academy. And follows one of the if not the lowest ranked teams in the entire school. Now I know what your thinking, this will be a tale of self discovery and bonding as a team... well you're wrong. Now let us dive into the mind of our murderously named protagonist shall we.

Friday afternoon: 3rd POV

The doors of a dorm room burst open revealing 4 dirtied and disheartened students. The leader seeming more pissed off than the other three.

Leader: Well that was embarrassing!
He exclaims walking into the room after kicking the door open, mad at his teammates after sparring class. His anger is momentarily disrupted by his uniform riding up causing him to tug at it in various places in order to regain what little comfort he could feel in it. The other three enter, two girls and another male.

Girl 1: Its ok Crimson, Im sure we'll get better as a team the more we practice together. I mean we cant get worse right.
The short lengthed chestnut haired, hazel eyed girl says attempting to cheer her leader up as he lays on his bed sourly. Her uniform not looking as worse for ware as her compatriots.

Crimson: Of course you say that Robyn, you ignored half of my orders because you didnt want to risk getting hurt! Christ you even pushed Silverra in the way of that guys Trumpet... thing.
He snaps back as he shoots back up to his feet. His longer than Atlas standard mahogany coloured hair drooping over his enraged crystal blue eyes. The smaller girl back away a little tears starting to form in her eyes.

Male Teammate: Well done mighty leader, you set her off again. Hey Robyn. Its ok. You did your best out there.
He says gently as he wraps an arm around the considerably smaller girl in an attempt to comfort her. His calm and soothing nature mismatching his bulking, muscular form. His moss green eyes lock back onto his leaders.
- now apolagise.
He growls.

Crimson: Get off your high horse Onyx. The reason you use a minigun is because you cant hit shit so you need as many shots as possible. The four of us are a disgrace to the academy, no to the entire lineage of huntsmen that have existed.
He yells back, easily agitated by the larger male, the two had never gotten along per say, but they had accepted that they were a team... at least until their latest defeat at the hands of team FNKI.

The fourth member of the team moves her long silver hair out of her face revealing her golden eyes. She sighed watching her team squabble before speaking up.

Sylverra: And you are the pinacle of perfection Crimson? You exert too much energy and end up exhausting yourself easily. You arent exactly qualified to be a leader as you are incapable of learning to play to your teammates strengths and adhear to their weaknesses in order to gain a better understanding of what strategies would be effective as well as possible for us to pull off instead of attempting every regulated attack strategy in the Atlas handbook.
To put it frankly, you have no right to critisize us whilst being so flawed yourself.
She says calmly causing the room to go silent. Crimson took in these comments and understood that she was right. Seperately the four were talented but together they were a failure of a team. He was about to speak up and apolagise when Onyx bursts out laughing.

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