Chapter 3

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Samantha's P.O.V

The waitress leads us to a small private back room and I see Sam. I immediately go over to him and he stands up to hug me.

"Hey bug." He says as we pull apart.

"Hey Sammy. What's up?" I sit in the chair to the right of him and Jack takes a seat across from me.

"Nothin' much, how about you?"

"Same. Jack says I'm going to your house after here."

"That you would be correct about." He looks over to Jack and start some conversation about basketball. The door to the back room opens about five minutes into their convo. Jack turns around and gets up to greet the man that I hate.

"Thanks for meeting us dad." Jack leads him back to the table and dad takes a seat next to him.

"Dad, this is one of my closest friends Sam, and you know Samantha."

"Yeah I know Sam, you play basketball correct?"

"Yeah I do Mr. Gilinsky."

"Just call me David, anything else about you."

"Well I just really hang around."

"Well there's nothing wrong with that." Right as Sam was about to reply a waitress walked in.

"Hello, what can you get you guys to drink?" The near thirty year old women speaks as soon as walks in.

"Well I'm going to have a Pepsi." Sam speaks up.

"Same for me." Dad agrees.

"I will also have a Pepsi and she will have a sweet tea." Jack speaks for me again and I am beyond pissed. First he brings in someone I hate and tricks me, then he speaks for me. Not gonna happen.

"Actually I will have an iced water, please."

"No she will not, the sweet tea."

"No-" I am cut off quickly.

"I'll bring both." The women walks outs and leaves the very awkward room.

"Jack what was that, you can't order for me your not my father, and neither is he." I point to dad and I bet you could see the anger on my face.

"Yeah, you want to bet. Dad and mom signed you away to me when you turned thirteen." All I had left in me was whisked away. I at least thought that my parents thought of me as their daughter, but I don't even have that.

I push out my chair and walk out of the room. I immediately go as fast as I can out of the restaurant. I know if Sam or Jack try to catch up to me they will be able to get me. I for one have no true talent in running, so I go as fast as I can. I get to the front of the restaurant and go to the right. I weave in and out of people and end up near Johnson's house. I can't just stay on the street for the night so I knock on his door with tears in my eyes.

"Whoa, what are you doing here?" He looks very shocked to see me of all people.

"Um well you see-" I couldn't even finish that sentence. I busted into tears.

"How about you come in, and explain." He leads me to the couch in his living room and I relayed the previous events, and he seemed just as shocked as I was.

"Please don't tell him I am here. I just want to be away from him."

"Samantha I can't do that."

"No, you have to. I can't look at him for what he did. Just for tonight please."

"Fine, you can go to the guest room." I hug him and thanks him through the tears still evident on my face and the ones still falling. I walk upstairs and plop down on the bed.

Jack's P.O.V

She shoves her chair out and walked out of the room. I stand there shocked at the scene before me. I can't believe I did that, to my fragile sister. The one who already feels unwanted.

"Jack, if you don't go after her I will." Sam stands up and goes for the door.

"Sam...Jack, she'll be fine." My dad adds into the conversation.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gilinsky, but I have to go after her she means a lot to me." Sam is about to go when my dad says the most obscure thing to him.

"Wait, are you dating her? Why would you date her she's not worth your time. She's got her issues, big issues if you haven't realized." I wasn't shocked at what he just said because he doesn't get along with Sammy but they definitely aren't dating.

"Excuse me! Not worth my time, she's worth a lot of time you just have to pay attention to her and you'll realize what your missing out on. And no I'm not dating a girl almost three years younger than me and even if I was who cares."

Sam finally has enough and leaves the restaurant to go after Sammy.

"Hey dad, I got to go look for her. I'll be over your house later. I'm staying till Saturday ok?"

"Yeah, I'll see you later Jack." I give him a hug and go to tell the waitress I'm sorry about before. Once I get outside I see Sam outside my car because he didn't drive and we need to look for her like now. I don't know where the hell she could be, and she needs to eat.

"Get in the car Sam we need to go find her all she ate was two peanut butter crackers and cereal today." He gets into my car and I start driving south toward our house and I see her nowhere, and there is no way she got home already because she wouldn't run, she hates running and it would be too long of a walk. At least 25 minutes.

"Dude call her phone?" Sam dials her number on FaceTime for me and she picks up and it's on speaker.

"Bug, it's Sam. Where are you?" He signals me to be quiet.

"Umm, I don't want anyone to know I just want to be alone." Oh god where the hell is she.

"Bug c'mon, I'll come pick you up and we can go to my place. Please. I just need to know your ok?"

"I'm fine." Her short replies are unusual when it comes to talking to Sam. She almost always tells him everything.

"Just let me pick you up and you can stay with me for as long as you need." I don't like that part, but if it gets her to a safe place, I don't care how long she stays. Well actually I would, but she's probably going to hate me for awhile.

"Um, can you pick me up by Johnson's house, I'm pretty sure I'm near there."

"Yeah I'll be there in like ten minutes, stay where you are."

"Ok, I love you Sam."

"I love you too bug, I'll be there soon. bye." It hurts to see how strong there relationship is compared to mine and Samantha's.

"Hey I'll drop you at your house to get your car."

"Thanks bro, also where is her medicine container?"

"In that bag on the back seat." He reaches and grabs it then switches into his car.

"Yo, she's not gonna hate you forever Jack. You've loved her when no one else did." His comment snaps me out of my trance and I start to drive left and he goes right to Johnson's.

I really hope I didn't ruin our relationship as family today.

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