Days Like This

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Days Like This (Romance/Humor)

"Kurt.. You just don't understand," Blaine began, as he and Kurt walked through the hallways of Dalton Academy "No one, and I mean, no one can resist the sideburns!"

"Well I can," Kurt shrugged with a smirk as they turned a corner.

"But-but how!?"

"He's evil. Simple. What's not to get?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow to his boyfriend.

"Everything.." Blaine mutter quietly to himself as they finally reached the Warbler's meeting room.

They walked right in to see Wes and a few other warblers practicing their vocals on the piano. Wes smiled, seeing them both there in their Warbler uniforms, side by side. 

"Kurt! Blaine! You guys have come just in time! We're about to begin the number we think would be just perfect for Regionals."

Kurt gasped, excited to hear the news as Blaine was, too, "That's great, Wes! What's it called? Oh my gosh, is it Katy Perry!?"

"No.. Better!" another warbler shouted enthusiastically. "One Direction?"

"That's so last week Blaine! Keep guessing! "

"Billy Joel?"



"Uh, no!"

"Miley Cyrus?"

"God, no, Blaine! You used to be so good at guessing these things!" Wes muttered, shaking his head in disappointment, Blaine still pacing back and forth trying to think of what it could be.

Until Kurt decided to give it a try at least. "Pharrell Williams?"

Everyone's heads immediately lifted, shocked. Even Wes looked up to Kurt with a look of surprise, and yet a smile also. All the Warblers then began to cheer, talking about how much they loved his popular song, 'Happy', I mean, it was the talk of the school! And most definitely, the Warblers who were always keeping up to date with any of the latest hits.

"It is indeed, Kurt," Wes nodded, beginning to move towards Kurt. Following Wes' leads, the Warblers began to crown around him as well. "In fact, will you do us the honour of singing it at Regionals?"

Kurt chuckled nervously, seeing Blaine feeling disappointed that he hadn't gotten it right and hadn't even been given the opportunity to sing the song. Then again, he's always doing them, so it wouldn't be so bad for Kurt to do it just once..

Would it?

"Of course!" Kurt squealed. Two of the Warblers that Kurt had become well acquainted with, Nick and Jeff, actually giggled, clapping their hands at a rapid pace as they heard his answer.

"You will?" Blaine questioned him, raising his eyebrows in shock.

"Definitely," Kurt nodded slowly, waiting to see his boyfriend's reaction, and Kurt was beyond astonished to see that Blaine was fine with it. After all, he was used to getting all of the attention from the Warblers whilst Kurt remained close behind. However, in that moment, Blaine could hardly contain his grin. He ran towards the taller boy with excitement!

"This is incredible, Kurt!"

"So, you're just fine with me getting this solo?"

"Of course. Now, if this was Nick, or Jeff, or Sebastian getting the solo.. Then yes, I'd obviously be upset.. But it's you. And I'm just fine with sharing the spotlight with you," Blaine smiled as he pulled Kurt by his hips closer, placing a gentle kiss onto his tender lips.

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