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Dude, guys, I just came up with the coolest movie idea ever!

Okay, so this movie will focus on the life of a writer who lives alone in either a house or an apartment... wherever. Doesn't matter. They begin to write a new book, but we and the writer get to see the characters, mini or full sized, living with the writer and holding conversations with him/her. The characters, probably two main ones and other characters randomly pop up, aren't seen by anyone else, because, duh, their in the writer's head. But the writer acts like they are really there... most of the time.


So we follow the writer through the process of creating these characters and living life. The characters help the writer and vise versa or whatever. Basically it pans out like how a writer creates a book, with the characters gaining more depth and such. Sometimes we can actually see what is happening in the writer's head instead of the real world. I've got Obsideon and Freya running through my head right now, because they're awesome like that.

But, guys! Just think! If it is done right, people will finally begin to understand what it is like to create a book! The anger, frustration, joy, love, amazement, confusion, everything that a writer goes through to write their book!

Guys! Are you seeing what I am?! I'm freaking out!!!

I'm a genius.

The Book of Lost Tags: Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now