50 Girls Names that Start with F

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1} Fiona - Fair ☆

2} Flora - Plants

3} Francis - Frenchman 

4} Fae - Fairy ☆

5} Fawn - Deer

6} Felicia - Happy things ☆

7} Fable - A short story ☆

8} Foxglove - A plant

9} Fran - French

10} Freya - Goddess of love ☆

11} Fantasia - A musical style ☆

12} Fatima - Captiving 

13} Faith - Complete trust in something or someone

14} Finley - Hero

15} Florence - To flower

16} Frida - Peace

17} Fernanda - Adventurous 

18} Florina - Little flower

19} Fleur - Flower

20} Fia - Short for Sophia 

21} Farha - Happiness

22} Flo - Floweing

23} Filomena - Bethrothed  ☆

24} Fariah - With a life ☆

25} Farzona - Wise

26} Febe - Bright one

27} Ferryn - Adventerous 

28} Fianna - Warriors in Irish mythology

29} Fox - An animal

30} Francina - Free one

31} Frannie -Free one

32} Falicity - Intense happiness

33} Faren - Adventerous  ☆

34} Flavia - Blond

35} Florida - Flourshing 

36} Fuji - Wisteria tree

37} Fotina - Free

38} Fausta - Happy

39} Falzah - Triumph

40} Falda - Folding wings

41} Fabrienne - Little blacksmith

42} Farcia - Peace-ruler

43} Fana - Passing away

44} Fiorella - Little flower

45} Frost -  Freeze

46} Freja - Lady

47} Fergie - Choice

48} Felixa - Happy, lucky

49} Fallon - Superiority 

50} Faine - Good-natured

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