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Wow I'm proud of myself because I've been uploading new chapters once in awhile now haha these next chapters will be long tho just letting you guys know hahaha

Olivia's POV-

We got to my house and my parents weren't home they were at work with jacks parents back here and she left a note.

I was in the couch with a blanket and hot chocolate that Jack made right now and then he came with a pack a marshmallows with him and a cup of hot chocolate for himself.

"Alright so....about that in the bleachers..."

Jack said sitting down and covering himself with a blanket because it's freaking cold right now.

"So where do you want me to start..."

I said feeling scared to tell him everything and I really don't want to get him mad because I feel like it'll be scary..

"From the beginning, what's his name, things about him, how you know him"

He said and I nodded

"Well, his name is Zac, Zac Miller. Um...we met at a small get together with all my friends and one of them introduce him to me and that's when we started talking more and getting closer but I knew something wasn't right but I just gave myself to him...."

"Wait, do you two ended up being a thing. Boyfriend and girlfriend..."

He said and I nodded and I looked down at my cup

"And What was the thing you felt that was wrong with him?"

He asked and I stood silent for awhile

"I saw something, one time when we were supposed to meet up and hang out together at a park and when I was looking for him I saw him and when I was about to call him I saw him pushing someone and yelling at them and that's when I felt like something was wrong and it was all a bad idea but me being me....I didn't listen to myself and I basically sold myself to him.."

I said thinking about that day....the way he was pushing that girl. Yelling at her, and seeing tears run down her cheeks....

"So what, is he abusive? Wait...did he.."

He started off and I look at him and I nodded feeling my eyes getting watery but I was holding in my tears

"Yup, umm. I was in a abusive relationship with Zac, you know. I let myself to him I didn't care what he did, he'll be all on me a-and I'll just, give myself to him like, he'll even force me to do it with him like I was some sort of slave to h-him. And when I said no and I would yell at him that's when he will go off and hit me, push me, slap me..."

I said with tears running down my cheeks and I was just so angry saying all of that and I got a pillow and I threw it somewhere and I put my head down and curled myself up crying but with anger.

"It's alright, just fuck him, don't pay attention to him, don't text him don't call him, and if he's jealous just let him be because your my girl now and I would never treat you like that. Imma have you by me everyday never gonna let you off alone, I'll even show him that your mine and that he needs to back the fuck up"

He said and I could hear the anger in his voice and I just nodded whipping my tears away.


He said with his arms open and I went to him and I hugged him

"You'll be safe with me alright I won't let that fucking perv touch you"

He said kissing my head and I nodded once again.

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