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"Fergal, get up! I have a plane to catch! Get up!"

I yelled at him.

"Fergal, I'm not playing! Wake the hell up!"

I yelled as I jumped up on him.

"What the fuck do you want?"

Fergal yelled as he threw me off of him. I ended up falling off the bed and landed on my butt.

"What the hell is your problem?"

I asked him.

"Just go get on your fucking plane Pamela. Go walk away from your family again!"

Fergal yelled as he walked out of the room. Something was off with him. We were fine the other day, where the hell was this coming from?

"Fergal! What the hell is wrong with you?"

I called as I followed him.

"Didn't I say to fucking leave already?"

He yelled in my face.

"Not until you tell me why you're acting like this!"

I yelled back.

"Because you get to just up and leave and you leave me with 8 kids to fucking watch while you get to go live your dream! So go get on your fucking plane and leave! Again!"

"Why are you doing this? You told me you wanted me to wrestle! You supported me for months! You were happy for me! We were just talking about having another baby and now you're just blowing up on me and borderline throwing me across the room!"

I yelled at him.

"Just get out of my face."

Fergal said as he shoved me, causing me to fall into a side table and the vase that was on the shattering next to me.

"Who the hell are you? I wanted to help you but you don't want me. Just take this too."

I said as I took my engagement ring off and threw it at Fergal. I walked into the nursery, packed a bag for Aliyah, and grabbed her and my suitcases and left.

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