Chapter 5

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Jimin was finally released to go home. Taehyung was already at their house to welcome Jimin and his newborn home.
"Ready Jimin?" Namjoon placed his hand on Jimins back to help him. "Thank you Appa Namjoon.." Jimin heard a tiny sneeze and looked down to see his son cringing. It was a little cold outside so Jimin cradled Jungkook closer. "It's Okay Kookie...Eomma is here.." Jungkook smiled and cuddled into his mother's side.
The family finally arrived home and Jimin refused to put Jungkook down as they walked in the door. Jimin was met by his husband hugging him. "Welcome home Jiminnie" Jimin smiled and leaned into Taehyung's hold. "I️ love you..."

Jimin was a stay at home mom and took care of Jungkook 24/7. Taehyung had to go back to work but whenever he came home Jimin would welcome him with a sleeping Jungkook in his arms, most of the time. Jimin sometimes worked on his computer showing Jungkook all of his art. (Jimin became an artist because why tf not) Jungkook often babbled believing he was communicating with his mother like a normal human being. "God Kookie you'll be the death of me" Jimin whispered into his newborns ear. The little one giggled but quickly stopped when both males heard the doorbell ring. Jimin opened the door and furrowed his eyebrows. "Excuse me are you Park Jimin?" A dark hired man in a black leather jacket asked. Jimin held Jungkook close and his anxiety began to rise. "Kim Jimin..I'm married now and I changed my last name from Park...who's asking" the man at the door. The man raised an eyebrow. "So you actually married someone? It's Taehyung isn't it..oh how's your mother? I bet she's all sunshine after I shot her." Jimin's eyes widened. "I-I'm sorry s-sir I think y-you should leave." Jimin began to close the door. "Oh I think not...Jimin don't you remember me? Kae.." Jimin was frozen in fear. Jungkook wrapped his tiny arms around Jimin's neck. "Oh I see you have a little brat.." Kae tried to grasp Jungkook but Jimin backed away and gave Kae the death glare. "Don'" Another man stepped out of the car. "Hey Luhannie.." Jimin let a few tears fall. "Get the hell away from me and my son.." Kae smiled and shoved Jimin inside the house. "Wha-" Jimin began but was cut off by someone yelling. "GET AWAY FROM MY BEST FRIEND YOU BASTARDS" Hobi rolled down his window revealing g him and a very pissed off Yoongi. Luhan yanked on Kae's shirt. "Come on babe it's not worth it..we can get him later.." The couple bolted but Yoongi got out of the car and tackled Luhan. Hoseok ran inside to Jimin who was crying and holding Jungkook. Jungkook was whimpering and hugging his mother. "Jimin! Hey! Jimin they're gone.." Jimin looked up with tear stained cheeks and noticed little Jungkook squirming in Jimin's hold. "He's hungry." Jimin unbuttoned his shirt and let Jungkook nurse. Hoseok looked at Jungkook with love in his eyes. "He's so and Tae made one hell of a baby..." Jimin smiled. "Thank you..Taehyung says that a lot."
. He and Hobi talked for a bit and then they heard police sirens. "Minnie turn on the news.." Jimin reaches for the remote and switched on the television. The headline that was on shocked them.
Criminals  Oh Kae and Oh Luhan escaped  the Seoul Prison two nights ago. They were in for attempted murder on Kim Jimin and his mother but their sentences were extended when past records of drug dealing and domestic violence were found.

(Domestic violence is actually when you hurt your loved one. So basically Kae and Luhan are in an abusive relationship but they're to stupid to leave each other)

Jimin looked down at Jungkook and squeezed his eyes shut. The sirens died down and Yoongi came inside. "Kae and Luhan are gone.." Jimin nodded and kissed Jungkooks forehead. "Is Tae on his way?" Jimin asked in worry. "Yeah..I told him everything..your mom is on his way to.." Jimin nodded. "Thank you so much guys..." Hoseok rubbed Jimin's problem Minnie..."

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