After Dinner

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I smiled has the they said it unison "you too are too alike each other it's scary"-I laughed at the "hey I am not like your mom i am hotter right? Zane"-travis "hey I am not like Travis he's not cool enough too be like me"-zianna I laughed "yeah your hotter but moms cooler"- I said laughing "hey you admitted I am hot thank Zane"-travis said winking I blushed "shut up travis" I pulled up my mask after I said it
"I am too beautiful too shut up Zane"-travis said I blushed and laughed "I am dead"-I said laying my head on the table and sighing "I think you kill him travis"- garoth said laughing "awwww no I just killed the cutest man in the world"-travis said teasing me "if you shut up I am alive okay"I said still laying down "I think you should come round more often"- garroth "I wish I could I'd like too"-travis "you can come round with laurance and come hang round every day Nearly"-garoth "yeah I'd love too , hey Zane you know that means you'll see me every week"-Travis said smiling I blushed "I am gonna go too my room bye Travis"-I said and left

I know it short but I didn't have much time sorry they have been so short resently I have been really bizy with college so I am very sorry I'll be starting a new story just for December so I hope you enjoy that has well I will still carry on this one though don't worry

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