Chapter Fifteen

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(Sara’s P.O.V)

I was at my office, sitting by the desk when I heard a knock on the door.

“Come in,” I called out and watched as Tony entered.

“Hey, I finished filling your paper work. Do you need me to do anything else?” he asked, giving me a smile.

“No, thank you for all the work you’ve done. Why don’t you take the rest of the night off,” I suggested.

“Thanks, I actually have a huge plane for tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He waved good bye shutting the door after him.

I picked up the note that I found in my house yesterday, and read the words again.

Your turn is next …

What turn? Who’s going first?

I laid it down again, and leaned my head back against my chair. I closed my eyes, trying to relax a bit, when my phone rang.

“Hello,” I greeted.

“Hey honey, I just wanted to make sure you’re coming tonight.” My dad’s deep voice echoed through the phone.

“Yes dad, I was actually heading home to change.”

“Okay, see in a bit sweetheart.”

“Bye dad.” I closed the phone and pushed my chair back. I picked up my things and headed home.

When I got there I jumped into the shower and let the hot water wash over me, relaxing my tense muscles. After that I headed to my closet to pick out something for the night. Since it wasn’t a formal dinner I decided to go with my black skinny jeans, a white shirt with a light grey sweater on top and put on my black high heels. I left my hair down with light make-up. This was good enough for my dad, but I was aiming to please Hayden.

I had to just survive the dinner with my father and then I could spend the rest on the evening with Hayden and Chris, who I can’t stop thing about. Both of them had a part in my life now, and I cared so much for them.

I caught a cab and headed to my dad’s apartment a few blocks from where I live, and soon I was standing at the door waiting for someone to answer it. Jasmine, my father’s long time maid answered it.

“Hey Jasmine,” I greeted as I stepped inside the lush apartment.

“Hello, how are you miss?” she said, giving me a smile.

“I’m very good, and how’s life with the new wicked witch?” a said in a whisper, referring to my father’s new wife.

“Not so good, she keeps changing things. And she’s always complaining…” she sighted.

“Well I don’t think it will last,” I commented heading over to the living room where I found my father and Paris, his new wife. They were sitting on the couch talking when I walked in.

“Hey dad,” I greeted; my father looked up at me and came over to give me a hug.

“Hey sweetheart, glad you can make it.” He kissed y forehead and moved aside so that Paris could give me a hug.

“Hey Sara, I love the look,” she commented flashing me a smile.

“Yeah, me too. You look…you look great.” She was wearing a short black skirt that reached her mid-thigh and a tight red tank top.

My dad really knew how to pick them…

“Let’s go to the dining-room, dinner is served.” My dad led the way to the huge oak table and sat down at the head of it. With Paris on his left, while I sat on his right.

“So Sara how’s work?” Paris asked, while the maids placed the salad dish in front of us.

“It’s fine, how’s your life?” I was trying to be nice, but I seriously hated her. I knew she was just using my father for his money.

“Oh, it’s so awesome… I redecorated the living-room; you know made it more modern.” I nodded my head as I ate my salad. I glanced over at my dad and caught his eye; he knew what the look I gave him meant.

That is-she-serious- look…

“And how’s the love life going?” I chocked on a piece of tomato when she asked that.

“It’s fine, I guess.”

“Your father says that you’re dating a new guy and that he has a kid…” she said, giving me a sorry look.

“Um… yeah, his name is Hayden and his son’s name is Chris.”

“Dating someone with a kid is rough,” I watched as she took another bite to eat.

“Well it’s better than marrying someone with one your age,” I commented, flashing her a smile.

“Sara…” my father finally spoke, giving me a hard look. “That was rude.”

“I was just stating a fact,” I shrugged my shoulder.

“I think you should apologize to Paris.” Please be joking.

“Dad I’m not apologizing and you can’t tell me what to do. I’m not a kid that you can boss around,” my voice raised a little at the last part.

“The hell you are, you….you...I…” I watched as my father clutched his chest and started to get up from his seat.

“Dad? Dad are you okay?” I barely had enough time to get out of my seat and grab him before he collapsed on the floor. “Call 911!” I yelled as I laid him gentle on his back and undid his tie.

Oh my god! Jack! Jack answer me!” Paris called to my unconscious father.

“He’s not breathing I need to give him CPR…” I got on my knees on my dad’s side and clamped my hands together before placing them on his chest and pushing down. I did that three times and then told Paris to breathe in his mouth. We kept that up another five minutes, until two paramedics came in with their equipment.

“ma’am, please step back,” one of them said moving me out the way.

I watched as they took out their paddles and opened my dad’s shirt so they could shock him. His body lifted from the floor a little and I stifled a cry.

“Charge to three hundred!” the one with the paddles called out before he shocked him again.

I closed my eyes; I couldn’t look at what they were doing to my dad.

“Still flat lined charge again…” I knew deep down that nothing they did will save him.

My dad was dead…


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