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Chapter Twenty Two: Consequences

~~ I learnt that a mutiny is where a crew overthrows their captain and leaves him on an island with a gun that held only one bullet. And, apparently, anyone who backed with the captain got put on the island too! The Captain sat at his desk, his head in his hands, he said he was thinking; I sat on our bed, watching him. This was a very tough decision for him, I knew it, but, he would get us out of this, I knew he would! He always did!

There came a knock at his door, he groaned and the door opened, his crew flooded inside of the room, glares on most of their faces. "Sir" one of the pirates began. "Sir, you have a decision to make, it's mutiny or we go back to being pirates. Your choice" the crew mate growled.

"Get out" my Captain growled, the crew members nodded to each other and shuffled out, the room was cleared again within seconds. My Captain sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, he lazily brought his gaze over to me and shook his head slowly. "Anna, you know that all people must do things they don't like, correct?" He asked, allowing his head to rest in his hands.


"Well, it's your time now, sweetie." He said, sitting up straight and sifting a few papers; he picked one up and read from it; it was the marriage agreement my parents signed! My Captain bit his lip and blinked many times, gulping a few times before speaking. "Anna, there's only one thing I can think of that'll spare us both, for we won't make it to a port in time before they'll revolt. Anna, you're going to have to, at least, go back to London with....with the privateer." My Captain said, rubbing his eyes.

"No! Please, I beg of you, no! Please, Captain, please!" I cried, sitting up upon my knees and flatting my hands upon one another and pointing them to him, as if I were going to pray to him. "No..." I whimpered, my voice shaking; he stood and knelt down to his knees before me, his hand gracing my cheek.

"I know, I know, god, I hate it more than you do." He growled, his eyes glassed over. "Believe me, I don't want to give you up to him either, just, have him take you home, to London and I swear upon my soul I'll come visit you. The first chance I can, and, I'll write to you! Every day, I swear upon it; god, I swear upon it."

He said, caressing my cheek as tears gathered in my eyes; he smiled sadly to me and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. "But" he whispered into my ear. "You're not leaving this boat a virgin" he growled and I giggled, wiping my tears away. "I'm serious" he continued "I'm not risking him taking such a precious item as your virginity in my absence." He said, I paused and felt my cheeks heat.

"I..I dunno.." I said softly.

"What do you mean, 'you don't know'? Aren't you worried about Edward not thinking you're pregnant? Aren't you worried of the possibility that the little privateer might take advantage of you?" My Captain asked, grasping my hands.

"W-With Edward...I could always say I had a miscarriage...a-and you forget I killed a man for cat-calling me and during battle I cut some guy's leg off! D-Don't get me wrong, my Captain, I..I want to...I really want to, but, I want to give myself to you when we choose it, not because we're forced to do it. D-Do you understand?" I asked, fearing that I didn't explain my point well enough; he nodded and sighed.

"So much could go wrong, Anna. So much could go wrong." He whispered, I nodded and fell down into his arms, wrapping both my arms and legs around him, smiling as my chin rested on his shoulder.

"I know" I paused and I began trembling at a thought, and, without warning, I blurted the thought out. "W-Would you still like me the way you do now if I wasn't a virgin?" I asked, my lips quivering; he pulled away, his expression shocked and concern gleaming in his eyes.

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