Kuro {Servamp}

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Probably that last Servamp for a while. Plus with exams coming up I won't be writing as much. 

Slight Yandere - blood warning

Blood. That was all there seemed to be in the dark room. That's all she was able to see despite the lack of light. Then there was a laugh, she would normally be glad she wasn't alone for once in her life. Too bad the new person didn't seem to intend on helping or comforting her.

(Y/N) shot out of bed covered in a cold sweat. It was the same scene that's been haunting her dreams for months now. After all this time of being half scared to death, she's learned the only way to help her calm down was to go outside and just walk around in the cool night breeze. Today specifically, she decided to go and stock up on food from a 24-hour market on the other side of town. There had been rumors that the surrounding area had been attacked by vampires but what were the chances (Y/N) could get caught up in something like that?

While crossing the town, (Y/N) spotted a street performer dressed in pink. Of course, she had to watch since there wasn't much entertainment anymore. The blond boy next to her seemed uninterested, however (Y/N) continued to watch each of the pink man's simple and elaborate magic tricks. She looked up to take a breath and admire to vast skyline. Her attention was brought back to reality as a horrific scene unfolded before her very eyes. The boy that was standing next to her moments ago had begun to walk off but was brought back by the hand on his shoulder. The performer held onto the boy tightly and lowered his head to bite his neck. The pink man had moved away to reveal a gaping wound on the boys neck with blood pouring out.

Blood. Blood. There's blood. It's everywhere.

The vampire that had attacked the boy now had a bitter look on his face and seemed to be searching for his next victim. (Y/N), being frozen to her spot, looked like his next snack. That is until someone had managed to pull her out of the way and into an alley. (Y/N) was unable to see much due to the lack of lighting that her eyes hadn't adjusted to. Once being pulled deeper into the alleyway, the only source of light seemed to be the strange boys mysterious, glowing red eyes. The unnamed boy had firmly gripped her upper arms and sat her down in a corner far away from the commotion.

"Stay here and don't move." His voice was low and smooth, but had a lazy undertone to it. He appeared friendly and helping to (Y/N) so she didn't question his actions and trusted him. When the boy ran out of the alley and under a streetlamp, (Y/N) could see that his hair was in fact covered by a hood, so it would have been nearly impossible to make out any details about him in the darkness.

The pink magician was quite a distance away so it took a while for the mysterious boy to return safely to the alley. During the long wait (Y/N) had fallen asleep under a ledge jutting out from one of the surrounding buildings. The handsome boy had tasked himself with bringing (Y/N) to a proper shelter before a storm was supposed to set in.

(Y/N) had woken up to unfamiliar surroundings. The room she was in looked like any modern day apartment would, with an alarm clock reading 1:47 PM. She frantically got out of the bed to find out how she got into someone else's apartment. After opening the door in a hurry, (Y/N) ran straight into this someone else. Similar to last night, he grabbed her upper arms to steady her and sat her back down on the bed.

"I know you're probably freaking out, but let's start with introductions before I explain anything. Hi, I'm Kuro. What's your name?" The boy, now known as Kuro, gave a charming smile and waited patiently for (Y/N) to collect her thoughts.

"I... I'm (Y/N). Where am I? What happened?" She looked around the room to avoid Kuro's eyes and nervously bit her lip.

"Basically, you're in my apartment. You can't really leave since that man is still on the loose, I have a feeling he'll come for you."

"I... I can't leave? Like, ever?"

"It's not safe for you outside. As long as you stay here with me I can protect you." (Y/N) looked closely at his eyes now. He seemed very serious with everything he had stated and the naive girl easily believed him. With a nod, it was as if a contract had sealed and (Y/N) was never seen by the public again. 

Like I said, with exams I probably won't be able to write much + family during holidays (aka hell). Kai kinda goes to a different school so I'm not sure when her break starts. 

P.S. sorry the last fic was short but I've been writing "low key fics" disguised as English assignments

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