Part 24

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Christine's POV

It's been awhile since we've been complete! The stupid trio! We've been bestfriends since we've met in the playground near the house.


"Jongin help me!" I whined as the sandcastle I was making in the sandbox somewhere in the playground kept falling apart.

"Paboya!" He just laughed at me while I panic as another attempt failed.

I gave up and pouted as I accepted the fact that I don't know how to make a sand castle. Just then I saw a poor kid being bullied by two tall boys.

"YAH!" I called the attention of the bullies which surprised the poor boy and Jongin.

"What ya gonna do little girl?" one guy hollered at me but I bumped him and went to the crying boy all curled up.

"Are you hurt?" I asked him

"A..ani" the boy tried to speak in between his sobs.

"What's your name?" I asked smiling at him as I wiped his tears with my knuckles since my fingers had sand on them.

"J..Jaebum. Im Jaebum." he said

"Annyeong Jaebum! Let me be your friend okay?" I said then I turned around and faced the bullies.

Ugh. They're ugly.

"Get away little girl." one warned

"Make me." I said with my arms opened, trying to cover Jaebum from these idiots.

"Last warning little girl." the other one said

"Stop calling me little, you fatty!" I blurted

"Oh you just didn't call me that." he said in disbelief

"Oh you're not only fat, but you're deaf too? Poor kid..." I teased.

"You-" he lifted his fist about to punch me when Jongin stopped him and looked at him in the eyes.

"J..Jongin sunbae?" the little boy said shaking.

"You know him?" the other one asked.

"H..he was the one who broke hyung's arm when they got in a f..fight." he said.

"Wanna follow the steps of your brother?" Jongin glared at the one who was about to hit me.

"A..ani!" he pleaded.

"Then don't mess with my friends." he said looking at us then back to him.

" Mianhe." he stuttered.

"Scram." he let go of him and they ran full speed away from us.

"What were you thinking?! You think you could handle two boys?! You're a girl for crying out loud! What could have happened to you if I wasn't there?!" he scoleded me but I just smiled and hugged him.

"But you're always with me so I'll be fine!" I smiled at him. He just shook his head and messed with my hair.

"You okay bro?" he asked Jaebum behind me. I let go of Jongin and went to Jaebum to help him up

"Omo mianhe! ahaha I'm Christine. This is Jongin and we'll be the greatest of friends okay?" I smiled at him and he nodded and smiled as well.

We played together ever since until he had to move to states two years before umma died.

-end of flashback -

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