Poem #92

179 11 9

"Once upon a time
My heart felt everything at once
Now it feels nothing at all
Once upon a time
I used to weigh a normal amount
Now the scale makes me feel like a feather
And my skin used to be just like everyone else's
Now it's scarred and tattered
Once upon a time
I used to think I was as happy as the sun was when she learned the moon loved her
But now I'm as sad as she is because she knows that the moon dies every night just to keep her alive
And she's mad cause she knows her fault
Everything's my fault
Once upon a time
I loved to hear my own voice
But now it just scares me
And if someone were to accidentally touch me
Or grab me playfully
I used to be able to smile without wincing in fear
Once upon a time
I was a girl without so many problems
I was a girl who was happy to be alive
What happened to her?"
Being sick sucks butt
And so does math
Math is gross and confusing and I wish it would go burn
But if you like math good for you, you're smart
-Your very own broken girl💜

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