Chapter 6: The Blame Game

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After waking up in sans room,I was confused. I just sat up and looked around. I didn't remember a lot from the day before , (I only remembered some of it,I remembered key bits,but I remember little pieces because I got told), I slowly just stood up and went out the room. From downstairs i could hear arguing. I quietly went downstairs,and carefully peeped into the living room where the commotion was coming from.

As I peeped in a saw everyone either sitting or standing around the room, and they were either silent or arguing. I heard most of it. " Sans,you knew what could of happened to her,and you decided to bring her back?!" Asgore said. I was confused. Sans stayed silent. But then they all started saying things about what could of happened. Hearing it made me really...upset. I just stayed silent and teared up. However, I finally got noticed.

Papyrus saw me,just standing there. "U-uh oh... e-everybody... you might want to...look at the door" he said. I saw them all look,and see me. I stood there. I felt like I could just,run away and not come back. "C-chara ,your awake." ,azzy said nervously. Sans just stared, he probably felt bad because of bringing me back. I also saw Asgore glaring at sans with horrid looks. My heart started pounding,and I could feel anger slowly burning up in me.

"H-how much of t-the conversation d-did you hear?" Said frisk, quietly. My anger exploded in me as soon as she said that,because I knew, she knew I heard it all. " I HEARD IT ALL OK?! AND IF WE'RE GONNA PLAY THE LITTLE BLAME GAME,LET'S ALL JUST BLAME ME!!! FOR BEING A STUPID IDIOT AND DIEING IN THE FIRST PLACE!" I screamed. I just went to the front door and stormed out.

I could tell as I was leaving they were all in shock with what I said... but I had to. I couldn't stop myself. I felt the hatred and anger which was absorbed into me at the beginning of this huge time loop,which I think was finally broken. I needed to do something,hit someone...or go somewhere away from there.

I bolted off and ran in the direction I did after first arriving here. I ran straight to the field ,and straight to the two graves under the huge oak tree. I just sat leaning against the old , sturdy tree. I started to get slightly cold after a few minutes,and I didn't bring my jacket which wasn't good considering the time of year. Then,all of a sudden, it started snowing from the white, fluffy clouds above. I just stared at the white icy flakes as they fell to the ground. It started to grow heavier and Heavier, and it stuck to the ground. I just sat there,looking at it all. I hadn't seen snow in, over 100 years  because I died and after all those years all the 6 souls fell,and then frisk fell and awoken me. It was so. . .strange.

Then ,after about 20 minutes, i heard footsteps from the other side of the tree. I slightly tensed ,thinking who it could be. I didn't move because I didn't want to know. I heard them sit down against the tree... then I heard three knocks . I actually replied, " who's there...?"  Wanting a response back from who I thought was sans. I was correct it was sans. "Emma." I was slightly confused with this response but I played along. " Emma... who?" ...then he replied. "Emma cold out here, let's go home kid." This actually made me laugh somehow. I just got up and walked round to see him. He was standing there with my jacket. "Here ya go kid,even though we should be heading home...if you wanna stay ,I don't mind." I just took my jacket and put it on. Then shook my head in disagreement. I just grabbed his hand and we teleported home.

When arriving I instantly got surrounded by everyone. "OH MY CHILD I AM SO SORRY WITH WHAT WE SAID, AND WHAT WE'RE YOU THINKING GOING OUT WITHOUT A JACKET!!! " mum said, then looked at sans. "Thank you for finding her,sans." ...he responded " 'Snow' prob tori." I instantly tried to stop myself laughing,because papyrus picked up a chair and threw it at sans. Sans obiously dodged it,but it was so close to hitting frisk. Before it did,it surrounded in red magic and stopped in mid air. I learnt sans and papyrus trick somehow ,however it was red magic. Everyone just stared at me. Then they just started acting all super proud of me for no reason." Wow my child,very nice trick" and "Well done human friend of frisk's! ".I just looked outside as the snow was still carrying on.

" Hey guys! Can we go Play in the snow?! I haven't seen it in years!" Sans smirked and replied " I'm down for it kid. " Then everyone just agreed and started to get ready for outside.

This part will carry on in the next chapter. I hope you all enjoy my books/chapters. I don't mind if you don't vote,or even hate my writing. BY THE WAY I GOT THE SNOW IDEA BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT NOW SNOWING XD. anyway thank you for taking time to read it if you do.

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