Thirty One : Out

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(First Person P.O.V)




It was almost two in the afternoon when the doorbell suddenly went off repeatedly in the span of 2 seconds.

I was terrified to even look through the peep hole but the loud banging on the door and the sound of a certain someone's voice was enough to spur me into action.

Why am I not surprised that she would show up?

"Emira! I know you are in there! You owe me money!" The old woman shouted loudly, as if the entire neighborhood couldn't hear her already.

I could feel my eye twitch in irritation at this extremely dramatic woman.

The bowl of dry cereal in my hand was slowly dropped onto the counter when I dragged myself to the front, glancing at her senile and annoyed face from the peep hole while contemplating if I should open it or not.

The van was still parked in the front, closely watching Lou's interaction with my front door.

Truthfully, I have been holed in my house for almost 3 days now, slightly apprehensive to leave because what if I left the house and suddenly that van approaches and I get snatched up into it?

I would rather take my chances of starvation in the house. But nowadays, ordering food over the internet wasn't hard, as long as you have enough money in your card to cover all your expenses. Which I was afraid that all my savings would go into my stomach before long.

Well, there goes my retirement.

Other than food, I had no way to contact anyone. I was without a phone since it was in my bag at my work place that had been set on fire a while back. I'm sure it probably didn't make it through the fire like most of the people that worked there.

But then again, who would I call for help when my enemy was the law and authority?

That's right.

No one.

Well, except for Eros but I, unfortunately, don't know if he even has a phone; none the less, his number.

This is one important course of action that I had completely overlooked. If you are dating someone, it's obvious you would need some form of contact.

Although I am kind of confused at our relationship status at the moment.

What does being mated to someone mean in human terms?

Like a committed marriage that is inseparable even in death?

I don't know.

But anyways, everyone in his pack was, obviously, into the whole mind linking thing. Why pay for crappy phone service when you have the gift of magically contacting everyone with a single thought?

And I wonder if Breeders also have this magical benefit.

If so, sign me up!

I'm all in for that because the phone bill was a portion of my pay check already.

The standard rates never stayed the same and there was always loads of hidden fees and sudden tax increases that made your bill double before you even know it.

My grandma used to have land line but I had turned that off due to the bills and the strange calls from all sorts of people, male and female, who had hooked up with my grandma in the past.

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