Blue Spirit

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Horo's school is an Academy that only rich and genius kids are allowed. The students are always going and leave the school with limo and bodyguards. Horo don't like having bodyguard or come in school with a limo, she just want to walk to school without bodyguards.

Horo P.O.V

My parents always been busy and over protective that making me suffocate, I want some space and I don't need a limo that take me to school and take me home also bodyguards.

"Mama, Papa! Can I go to a normal school and go without bodyguards and limo" I say

"What! A normal school is fine but going without bodyguards and limo is out of the question" Papa said

"But Papa" I say

"No But, if you don't have them then you won't go in normal school and you can't go without bodyguards" Mama said

I run into that garden and stay there, while I was there I saw a girl standing beside the tree then she look at me, I ask her "what are you doing her, are you loss?" while I approach her but she just drop and piece of paper and run away, I rush over to see who is she but when I got to the tree and look around the girl was gone. I pick the paper she left; I open it and see what it says.

"Horo you have pure kind heart, I always watching you since you were just a baby, now the time has come to done what should be done a long time ago. I will pass my power to you, but you must not tell anyone. Meet me here tonight at 12pm"

I went inside like its nothing happen but I can't get it out of my mind about the letter and the girl and she been watching me, we ate dinner then I go to my room trying to sleep but I can't sleep. I was thinking it and keep looking at the clock. It's already 12pm; I went outside my room and head to the tree in the middle of the garden, I see the girl standing and waiting for me.

"I'm Jane and like I said in the letter, I know you since you are a baby and I want to give my power to you" Jane said

"Wait! Who exactly you are and what you mean by that you know me and my powers" I say

"You know there's other world beside your world, its call Holy Land I came from there also animals and humans live in harmony but time here and there are not the same, one hour here is equal one year in my world, I came here to find someone to inherit my power and I found you" Jane said

"I see......But I'm not special" I say

"You're special; your kindness is enough to make you special... You have pure heart and honest personality..." Jane said

"Jane! Are you alright? You should rest, you're not feeling well" I say

"I'm getting old and weak so I need someone to inherit my power and it has to be you Horo" Jane said

I can't believe of all this but I know she is telling the true, because Jane wearing a clothes that not from this world. I accept her power after Jane pass her power, Jane was gone. I was about to go inside the house when strong wind blow then suddenly a portal show up nowhere it suck me in.

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