He has a wet dream about you

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Zayn: it was 1:39am and and your sleep was disturbed. you look up and zayn is asleep but he wont stop saying your name. he isnt saying it in a bad way rather in a pleasurable one. he's moving around a lot then you feel something poking your leg. your smile appears knowing he's dreaming about you.

Harry: your brothers best friend was sleeping over. he was a year older than you and really attractive. it was the middle of the night and you went down stairs for some water. you heard your brother laughing in the living room so you went to see what was going on. Harry was asleep and he kept saying something. "(y/n) check this out" your brother laughed. you got closer to them and finally heard what Harry was saying. your cheeks flushed and your heart  pounded in your chest. "(y/n)" Harry repeatedly moaned. your brother threw a pillow at him and Harry jolted awake. realizing what was just happening.  Harry smiled awkwardly and ran to the bathroom.

Liam: you were getting ready to go to bed and had just sent your goodnight text to Liam. he was on tour so you missed eachother deeply. just when you turned off the lights and layed down your phone began ringing. "hello" you said "oh my God (y/n) you've got to hear this" Louis laughed into the phone. you heard shuffling before you heard moans. your heart stopped. then you repeatedly heard your name. it was Liam. "ya hear that liam's having a wet dream. and you're in it" Louis chuckled you blushed and laughed before telling Louis to not mention that to Liam. you don't want him to be embarrassed "no promises" Louis said before hanging up

Louis: you rented out a room to Louis your best friend. he said it was 'like a sleep over every day!' it was around 3:00 in the afternoon and Louis was taking a nap while you quietly read a book. you kept hearing your name being called so you thought Louis was awake. you went to his room to see what he wanted when you saw he was in a deep sleep. you got closer and saw that his boxers were tight on him. your eye's widened when you realized Louis was having a wet dream about you. you giggled and went back to your room ignoring your name being called

Niall: you just arrived home from your late shift at work. you heard niall moaning from your bedroom.  your heart stopped. your body began trembling as you twisted the door knob.  you opened the door and niall was alone. you sighed and put your hands to your face trying to calm yourself.  you heard niall saying your name. you put your hands down to see niall's erection. you giggled. niall was having a wet dream with you in it. you went over to him and kissed his forehead before heading to the bathroom for a nice hot shower to calm your nerves.

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