Chapter 29: Jasper

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Another Author's Note:
I really prefer not to have these in this story, which is why you rarely see them, but I have to say this:

Please make sure you are reading the story in order. It looks like some of you are skipping or missing chapters, and while I appreciate every read, I don't want you guys to miss out on important details.

Okay, that's it. Lots of love!

Also...are you from the Eastern Region, like Sydney and Jasper?

Or the Western Region, like Casey?


"Show me what you found," Jasper said, daring to believe they finally had a breakthrough.

"It's on my computer," Brenan told him. "Meet me in my room in ten minutes. I'll go get Lucas."

Jasper nodded in agreement as his new friend ran out the room. He was minutes away from seeing what had Brenan in good spirits, and quickly got dressed, not wanting to delay things further.

When he got to Brenan's room, no one was there yet. Sitting down on the chair in front of the computer, Jasper studied the screen.

Nothing of significance stood out to him. The paused video displayed one of the many streets on campus. Jasper scrunched his face, perplexed.

In the top right corner of the video was the time and date stamp of when it was recorded.

This was just minutes before the attack.

Jasper immediately hit the play button, needing to see for himself what Brenan found. He couldn't wait for them to show up. After all, he was the main one this affected. He was the one breaking each day Sydney had to stay away.

Seconds went by since he pressed the button, but nothing had happened. He questioned if he actually clicked play when suddenly a group of people rushed onto the screen. Some had microphones and were dressed in business attire, while others carried cameras and followed closely behind.

Newscasters? This is what he thought was so interesting?

Jasper paused the video, staring at the group of people rushing toward Centre Park. He found nothing ground-breaking about them being there. President Hayes was due to arrive any minute, of course they would be there.

Just then, Brenan and Lucas rushed into the room, obviously having ran there. Jasper looked at them, his face displaying his confusion, but also his underlying frustration.

"Did you watch it already?" Brenan asked, slightly catching his breath.

"I did," Jasper said, his voice short and edgy.

Lucas picked up on Jasper's attitude, not sure what to make of it.

"Isn't it crazy?! I mean, I wasn't sure what to make of it, but it's definitely suspicious!" Brenan raved as he approached his desk.

Jasper stepped back, shaking his head in exasperation.

"Are you kidding me, Brenan!?" he shouted, startling both Brenan and Lucas. "You get me all excited over a bunch of newscasters heading over to catch President Hayes' speech?!"

"Jasp, calm down," Lucas suggested, but Jasper ignored him, too busy reeling from disappointment.

"Don't you understand what this means to me?! Do you not get why I have to figure out what really happened!? CAN YOU NOT SEE WHAT'S AT STAKE FOR ME!?" Jasper yelled, his voice shaking with emotion.

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