I could really use a break from all these chase

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Ling Ling's eyes snapped open after what felt like a very long nightmare. She brought her eyes around the large room and realized she was alone.

A blanket layered over her body neatly as she laid in a queen size mattress. It looked like someone had carefully laid her in bed.

She wondered how long had she been at the Lao's mansion asleep? And she wondered if her mother had been worried sick looking for her?

Although  the thought of her mother's concern would not last since Ling Ling recalled about the woman's overwhelming enthusiasm.

Does mother even know the Lao planned on killing me after the wedding? She thought.

Ah yes, the thought itself made Ling Ling yank herself out of bed and want to escape the entire mansion entirely. She needed to get away before she get murdered and sacrificed for their dead son in the spirit world.

Ling Ling teetered over the door and cracked it open. She made sure no one is in the hallway before she walked out.

The hallways were dark and it had been the part of the Lao's mansion she had never been before. She knew she's going to have a hard time finding her way out.

Ling Ling slipped out, she still wore the bright wedding gown Mrs. Lao shoved her in after she fell asleep.

She ripped part of the dress as she walked out.

She made it to the living room when she found Mr. Lao sat alone on the sofa, watching the late night news on TV.

He turned surprised to see Ling Ling in his house. Something about his face told Ling Ling he has no clue what's going on.

"Is that you, Ling Ling?" He asked turning the volume down.

"Hello, Mr. Lao, how are you?" Greeted Ling Ling uncomfortably.

"I-I'm good." He stammered, he shifted the eyeglasses on his face, perhaps just needing to do something with his hand to break the awkwardness.

"Forgive me, Mr. Lao. I came to visit but I had fallen asleep. I'm just now waking up."

"Of course." Mr. Lao groaned and eyed her torn wedding gown.

Ling Ling knew how embarrassing she must look and wondered what's going on in his mind.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lao, but I must go."

Mr. Lao's eyes widened as he offered her a ride home. "Let me give you a ride home Ling Ling, I can't very well have you walking back to your house. It's a long walk and it's dark outside. It's very dangerous for a young woman like you."

"Thank you, Mr. Lao, but I can walk on my own."

Ling Ling doesn't want to risk getting tangled in another kidnapping. She already had enough of Mrs. Lao's trickery and she's not sure if she can trust Mr. Lao at this point.

"No, Ling Ling. I insist. I'm soon to be your father in law. I can't let you walk out there alone. It's not safe."

She breathed and darted her eyes around. Outside, Ling Ling looked calm but inside, she is panicking.

"Oh, forget about taking her home." Came Mrs. Lao's voice from the hallway. She came out with the weird witch doctor with her. "There's no need to take Ling Ling home." Murmured Mrs Lao to her husband. "She can spend the night here."

There something about Mrs. Lao's voice that sounded menacing, Ling Ling smelled the stench of lie in it. She knew there's something up her sleeve and based on what happened, she wouldn't doubt Mrs. Lao would send her to the spirit world permanently this time.

"Oh, it's okay, Mrs. Lao. I do need to get back to my work tomorrow or I might risk losing my jobs if I don't show up."

Mrs. Lao waved her hand. "Non-sense dear, you won't need to hold a job."

"Ah, but I do."

"No, you don't. We'll take good care of you here."

Ling Ling struggled for excuses how to dodge her, but she must get out of the mansion as soon  as possible.

"Come, Ling Ling..." Mrs. Lao tried to reach for her hand, but Ling Ling quickly flinched and backed away.

This time Ling Ling didn't even bother with politeness. She darted for the door and ran outside heading for the gates. The hell with that!

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