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Mother's Tortillas

We used to sit together

as a family always should

At one big worn down table

Laughing until the moon had risen

We used to sit together

And eat Mother's home made meals

Making tortillas the size of the moon

Talking about anything and everything

It was like we knew our time was fading

We used to sit together

Telling the stories of far off lands

until the sun gave way to night

Then Mother would stand and cook

Singing like an angel as she swayed

Mother's old songs repeating like clockwork

We were on top of the world

We used to sit together

Until Mother could no longer sing

And slowly we fell down from our throne

Her old hands couldn't make those edible moons

She couldn't wait for the stars to shine anymore

Our laughter no longer as true as before

We knew that our time was coming to an end

And soon we wouldn't sit together as a family should

Time passes, memories should be made, remembered and cherished.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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