Entry #32

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I hope you meet someone who will greet you at 12:15 instead of midnight, because they remembered you were born 15 minutes later. I hope you found someone who would understand that you don't like your coffee hot, and that you always preferred tea. I wish one day, someone would listen while you tell them about all your favorite songs and hug you when you feel emotional over some lyrics. I wish someone would buy you chocolates but always have antacid in their pockets because they know you got reflux when you eat too much sweets. I hope someone would love your cat even though he's mean and all he wants is to scratch and bite you all the time. I hope you meet someone who will ask to read your poems and stay up all night to read all those nonsense fics you wrote. I hope someone would go with you whenever you felt like getting cookies and cream at 3am. I wish someone will jump with you whenever a new song from your favorite artists comes on and scream with you whenever you're at one of their concerts. I wish someone would see the glow in your eyes when you talk about things you are passionate about, and I hope someone would kiss the insecurities out of you. I hope you find your match. I hope one day, when you feel like everything has been settled, I hope you make time for love. For friendship. For relationship. I hope you find it in yourself that those things are worth it too.


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