No.91 - @Weasley_Ginny

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@Weasley_Ginny - Tired out after a laughter-filled session of skiing!

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@Weasley_Ginny - Tired out after a laughter-filled session of skiing!

Tagged: @TheBoyWhoLived

61K Likes | 5 comments

@NarglesLoveLuna : Once I saw Harry rolling down the hill, with you, Ginny, laughing at him, and then you slipped and fell down after him!
@TheBoyWhoLived : Thanks Gin! ;) And wowwwwwwww Ginny! I thought you'd skied down!
@N.Longbottom : It was my first time skiing and I was really surprised because I caught on really quickly!
@P-Parkinson : Good on you Neville! I saw you skiing and you were really good!
@Weasley_Ginny : I was so happy to finally sit down, and not be on the snow just because I had fallen down! :)

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