No.78 - @Emily-Banks

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@Emily-Banks - George helping me out  with my new routine :)

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@Emily-Banks - George helping me out with my new routine :)

Tagged: @OneOfTheWeasleyTwins

64K Likes | 6 comments

@Weasley_Ginny : I didn't know you could skate!! :o
@Emily-Banks : Yeah, I do it professionally!
@Hermione-J-Granger : Oh my gosh, that's amazing!
@Emily-Banks : Thanks! I've been doing it since I was 5! That's how George and I met! He was at my local ice-rink! I was skating and he was watching me! Kinda creepy I know, but I talked to him and we just clicked! <3
@Weasley_Ginny : Awwwww! That's sweet!
@OneOfTheWeasleyTwins : You were so beautiful out there I couldn't take my eyes off you! <3

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