Prank Wars ; Bokuakakurotsuki X Reader

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"Koutarou, shut the eff up!" You whisper yell, shoving your hand on top of Bokuto's mouth at an "attempt" to shush him.

"I'm sorry! I just have butterflies in my tummy!" Bokuto whines, rubbing his belly with his hands.

"Shhh you nerds, they're coming!" Kuroo whispers, knocking on the wooden closet you and Bokuto are hidden in.

"It's so stuffy in here, and it smells like Kuroo's feet." Bokuto continues to talk, scrunching his nose in disgust.

"Shut up!" Kuroo snaps.

You and Bokuto snicker into each others shoulders, thoroughly amused by Kuroo's slight anger.

But the two of you quickly recheck your position as you hear Akaashi and Tsukishima's foot steps enter the room.

"...what are you doing?" Akaashi's muffled question rings out.

"Nothing." Kuroo replies too quickly.

"We can't see him, but 10 bucks Kei's narrowing his eyes at Kuroo." You whisper to Bokuto.

"... you're sitting cross legged on our bed staring directly at us with that sinister smile of yours." Tsukishima mutters, a bored tone in his voice.

"Now, I haven't a clue what you're talking about Tsukki." Kuroo states cockily, before the shuffling of the sheets are heard as he lies down.

"Fucking creep." You and Bokuto whisper in unison.

"Right. Well I need to shower, so see you never." Tsukishima sighs, before his foot steps sound towards the closet door.

As Tsukishima opens the door, both you and Bokuto jump out at him while screaming bloody murder.

Tsukishima deadpans.

"Tch. Losers." He smirks, before grabbing his pajama from the top shelf.

You and Bokuto sit back, and pout in disappointment. Bokuto even goes as far as to cry.

"Tsuuuuuuukiii!" He whines.

"My name's Tsukishima, thank you." He shines you two a smirk once more, before turning on his heels and strutting out of the room.

"What a little as-"

"(Y/N), WE DO NOT CURSE. WE ARE CHILDREN OF JESUS CHRIST." Bokuto yells, grasping your head.

"Asahi? I didn't know Asahi was my father."

"Ha Ha nice joke." Kuroo laughs monotonously.

"I thought it was funny!" Bokuto cuts in.

"Thanks bro, at least I know you've always got my back!" You grin, patting Bokuto on the back.

"Bro I'll always be there for you."

You and Bokuto clasps hands before falling out of the closet (not so gracefully) and dusting yourselves off.

"Hmm, we'll get him back sometime."

"You bet your ass we will."

"Hmph!" You and Bokuto stick your noses up before swaying your hips and walking out of the room.

"What the f-"

Haikyuu X Reader ; One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now