Chapter 14

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I woke to the sound of soft snoring. My head was tucked against the crook of Derek's neck, his lips a hair's breadth from my ear. His arms still encircled me and I blushed as I realized how close I was pressed to his naked chest. Even if I wanted to get up, I couldn't have without waking him.

I tried to remember if I'd had any more nightmares last night. Usually, after being woken by a particularly awful one, I would have at least one more in the night. But the last thing I recalled was Derek lying down on the bed and wrapping me in his arms.

I flinched instinctively as my eyes glanced at the white sunlight streaming through the window. I couldn't tell for sure from the bed, but I'd bet that a few inches of snow blanketed the ground.

The minute I began to shift over, Derek stirred. He lifted his head from the pillow lazily, eyes squinting as he reached to run a hand through his messy hair.

"Morning," I managed to squeak out.

"Good morning," Derek blushed as he smiled down at me.

I couldn't even begin to imagine what my parents would say if they knew Derek and I had shared a bed. Or what his parents would say. Or Genevieve, for that matter. I sat up slowly and leaned over to check the bedside clock. I nearly toppled out when I saw 9:30 flashing across the screen.

"Crap," I muttered before flinging the covers off and scrambling out.

"What?" Derek rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock--his own eyes bulged out and he scrambled after me.

I began rummaging around for my clothes before I remembered that Papaw had taken them. He wanted to wash them and make sure they were warm before we left. Only, now, both Derek and I would have to walk downstairs in pajamas. Papaw would already know that something was up--Derek was supposed to be on the couch. And Papaw never got up later than 7:00.

"Oh God, oh God," I put my face in my hands.

"It's alright," Derek gingerly put a hand on my shoulder. "If he gets mad, it's my fault anyways. I was the one who came up here."

"And I'm the one who asked you to sleep with me. I mean-ugh, you know what I mean," I sighed, face flushed in embarrassment. "I'm more worried that he'll tell my parents."

"Oh." Now Derek's face matched mine in fear.

"Let's just get it over with," I groaned before swinging the door open. I could smell eggs and toast as I walked downstairs, Derek gulping in fear behind me.

Three places were set on the red checked tablecloth. Papaw stood in front of the stove, his deep voice thrumming throughout the kitchen. I'm sure we would have been able to creep in silently if I hadn't missed the last step and landed in a heap on the floor.

Papaw turned as Derek began to help me up. We both froze under his stare, one eyebrow creeping up his forehead.

"So. You two finally decided to join the land of the living."

"It's my fault, sir. Erika had a nightmare so I went upstairs--" Derek began just as I started to say it was my fault.

"Alright, alright. That's enough," Papaw waved his spatula in the air. "I think you two have embarrassed yourselves enough without my help."

" won't tell Mom and Dad?" I ventured nervously.

"If I told your parents, I'd get in just as much trouble as you two," he reminded me before turning back to the eggs. "Now, set the table before I burn these bad boys."

I breathed a sigh of relief and went to grab plates. Derek still looked as though he might bolt any minute but he managed to help just fine. Before long we all sat at the table, shoveling forkfuls of hot food in our mouths.

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