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Upon the table where she was last seated is where she is now sprawled out on with drool being the only layer between her and the reading material that she was reading previously. 

Her figure begins to stir but it's gradual; it's evident that she is tired. Her eyes finally open with blurry vision at first which then adjusts to the normal library setting where she remembers being last. 

Anessa raises her body up off the table underneath her and face palms for the unbelievable amount of drool that is engulfing one side of her face. 

How tired was she?

Soon, the reality of the current life she is facing kicks in and almost immediately, she's sporting a frown for her lovely mate who is in the pack hospital with some crystal substance growing inside him and she can't do anything about it. 

Wasn't Daniel and Darek here with me? 

Her thoughts were right, they were but where are they now? 

In the far distance, two voices emerge making her eyes perk up at the sound. 

Maybe it's them? 

As she follows the sound, she comes to the conclusion that it is them. 

With decision to not eavesdrop in mind, she spins on her heels and begins to walk in the opposite direction but suddenly, she stopped. 

"Did it work?" One voice whispered to another. 

"Yeah she totally believed it." What did she totally believe? Who is this she that they are talking about? 

"For one of the most powerful Alphas in the world, she's quite gullible." Okay so maybe they are talking about Anessa. Why though?

"Thank the Goddess for that man!" 

"We need to plan the next move." There was one unknown voice though, one that wasn't supposed to be there. Their hushed voices made her unbelievably angry, her Alpha side was beginning to overpower her human one. No one talks about her like that. 

"Yes but I feel as though she's getting suspicious." 

"We just need to be more careful then." 

"Okay so I think we shou-"

Her body drops to the floor as a sharp and instantaneous pain develops in her head. 



My body feels unusually heavy. There is a searing pain in my head. Was I hit? 

If I was hit, what was I hit with? Shouldn't I have healed already? 

What's going on? 

I'm getting tired of all these unanswered questions. 

All my concentration or what's left of it is being focused into me opening my eyes and to actually try to see and try to figure out what's going on. 

Within blinking a few times, it looks as though I'm in a cell. I'm not really sure. 

Okay, that rotten stench of blood and dead bodies just entered my nose, it's definitely a cell and there's no doubt about it. 

There seems to be little hay scattered on the floor everywhere or maybe an abundant amount of floor scattered on the floor. 

Something slowly burns through my wrists as I look up and realize it's silver. Silver limits our mobility and it makes us have no contact with out wolf or our pack what so ever. 

The Ruthless She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now