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"Vernon. How many times do I have to tell you that these two simple things are important? Tell me!"

"UGH FOR FUCKSAKE, MARK! IF YOU THINK THIS IS EASY, YOU DO IT. These are one of the hardest projects you gave me. I am trying to learn new things here. Give me a fucking month to finish these."

"A month??! Are you kidding me? The school year is ending soon. Finish that as fast as you can!" He exclaimed. Trying to motivate Vernon with his loud voice.

They are at Vernon's lab. He's the scientist in Mark's group of friends. Cockroaches, mice, and other creepy crawlies are present in his dark hole. But he is not assigned with those. Mark assigned him to make the bomb and poison that he needed for the mission. Which is new to him since he always experiments with living organisms.

"Ok fine. I'll try to finish it as fast as I can. I cannot promise to end it in no time." Vernon finally gave in which made his boss smile. He can't get angry to him since he's the controller of everything.

"Good. That is what I like about you, Choi." Mark complimented with a serious tone. Looking at the pieces on the table in front of him. "Is there anything that you need? The supplier is coming later because dad called a meeting. While he's here, maybe you want to order a new set of chemicals and equipments."

Vernon immediately walked to his cabinet full of powders, liquid substances, and some equipments for making bombs. He noticed some jars that have small amount of substances in it. "I need some nitroglycerine and fissile isotopes uranium-235."

Mark widened his eyes for how such words was spoken by him. "Tss. Just say it to the supplier. He'll know what it is. Or just give this." Vernon handed a piece of paper with some writings on it.

"I know you don't like chemistry." Vernon spoke as he arranged the things inside the cabinet. Mark just rolled his eyes because of the sudden comment. But they both smiled because of how true it was.

"I gotta get going. I need to go somewhere. Maybe these things will arrive the day after tomorrow." Mark said and waved at the guy whose turning his back at him. Forgetting the fight between them earlier.


Chaeyoung's POV

"Minari~ I wish you are here tonight." Gosh... I forgot to invite the Myoui's about tonight's celebration. Just maybe atleast Mina is here to celebrate with us. I miss her already.

'Baby, you can have your time of your life there. Just don't drink too much.' She said with a motherly tone.

"Drinks?! Eww... I dont like them. Unless its juice or softdrinks." I heard her laugh on the phone. Maybe because of how childish my picks are. But who wouldn't right?

"Chaeyoung noona! Namjoon hyung is here!!" I heard my younger brother from the other side of the door. "Minari~ I need to go now..."

'Oh ok be nice there! Dont lose control when you drink ok? Bye bye! I Love you my baby cub!' She said. "SHE SAID I LOVE YOU!!"

"Nae~ sleep early tonight. Call me before you sleep or just text me. Arasso? I love you too...."

"Okay~ I'll just call you later. Bye bye!" The call was ended. I wore my oversized black hoodie and ran out.

"Woah... Oppa! This is big! I thought its only gonna be a normal celebration??" My eyes widened because of the variety of foods and juices and softdrinks in front of me.

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