Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The three of us quietly made our way down the hall as Michael explained that Calum was stalling them in the kitchen. He told me that Luke and I would have to go wall up the basement in case the police went down there. But how were we supposed to make a wall in the basement that the police couldn't break through in such a short amount of time?

"Since we had masks on, they shouldn't recognize us," Michael said quickly as we turned off of the stairs. "Jemma, just get downstairs with Luke and stay quiet. He knows what to do."

As soon as we hit the living room, Luke stood swiftly and grabbed my hand. He let Ashton and Michael by first so they could get to the kitchen. Then we snuck by and went into the basement. Thankfully, the stairs weren't squeaky and creepy like in most basements. Luke led me toward their death chamber and pulled at the cement wall.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

He grunted in response. The wall pulled away as if there were two layers of it, and Luke brought it to line up with a dent on either side of the wall. From the other side, it would look like there was nothing this way. I smiled to myself, mentally praising the boys. They were probably the cleverest people I'd ever met.

Luke led me to the back of the room where Officer Wigg used to be chained. We sat down by the wall together, me in his lap as he hugged me to him. My heart was racing. What if the police somehow realized that the wall wasn't an actual wall? What if they broke through it and saw us down here? What if somehow the boys upstairs were recognized? All of these possibilities ran through my head.

"Your heartbeat could give us away." Luke chuckled quietly, trying to calm me down.

I leaned my head into the crook of his neck. I just wanted to go to sleep in our room, cuddled up next to Luke without any police or straight jackets or problems in general.

"Luke!" both of our heads snapped up at the sound of someone calling for him.

He quickly moved me off of him and ran to the wall, moving it back into it's place easily. He ran up the stairs with me on his heels. He went straight for the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the scene in front of him: Michael with a bloody knife in hand, and the officer laying face-down on the table with a gun held loosely in his hand.

Ashton just shrugged. "I told him we should've just had Jemma do it. She kills people way cleaner."


"At least he didn't make noise." Luke grumbled once the kitchen and knife was cleaned up. He hadn't said anything to anyone since he went upstairs.

Michael dragged his feet into the kitchen, flopping down in a chair. "Alright, bodie's in the furnace."

"Can we sleep now?" Calum whined, sitting down next to Mikey.

"Is Mr Grumpy Face still not talking?" Ashton teased as he walked in from the basement.

"They say people are usually happier after getting laid." Michael stated with a suggestive grin and wiggling of his eyebrows.

Luke just shook his head, trying to contain a smile. "Go to bed, you idiots. And someone get Jemma upstairs, please."

I was already laying across the counter as if it were a bed. My eyelids felt heavy and I didn't want to move. Michael scooped me up and brought me up the stairs behind Calum. Ashton wanted to stay downstairs and talk to Luke.

"Glad you're back, Jem." Michael commented as Calum opened the door to the closet for us.

"Thanks." I yawned, finding it hard to keep my eyes open any longer.

We reached the top of the stairs and Michael laid me down on the end of the bed. I crawled to the head of it and got under the covers. Michael made sure Calum would watch me before wishing us both a good night.

"We promise to never let anything like that happen again." Calum swore with a nod.

"If it does," I mumbled sleepily. My words were slurring together. "At least rescue me faster."

He chuckled as my eyes slipped close. "Will do, Jemma. Will do."

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