part 4

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*Holy Land*

Alex where sitting under the tree, she look lonely and sad, I sneak behind her and surprise her she scream so loud.

"He he... I scared you, didn't I, Alex" I say

"...... Horo, you back" Alex said *hug*

"Hey! Don't forget me" Silver said

"Hahaha..... Yes, I didn't forget you Silver" Alex said

I invent things, trained and do many things; Alex and I enjoy many things together for 2 years. I go back to my world without Alex crying, she knew that I come back in holy land again. After I came back to my room I hide a bag under my bed and eat dinner with my parents.

"Horo, how's your new school" Papa said

"Great and I feel easy without those bodyguards" I say

"That's good but James is your bodyguard right" Mama said

"Yes! But James is more like a friend to me so I feel comfortable with him" I say

".....Horo, have you heard about the bank robber and a mysterious person call 'Blue Spirit" Papa said

"Yes! My classmate talking about it" I say

"That person suddenly appear out of the blue and help the police, you invent things right so maybe you can invent something to know who that person is" Mama said

"Eh! Why do you want to know that person?" I say

"Well, we just want to thank the people who save us.... We're inside that bank when robbers take that bank" Papa said

"I can invent something to expose a person with a mask but.... I wouldn't do it because it will be offensive to the person who trying to hide their face beside, you doesn't need to thank that person who just doing its job..... I'm sorry Papa, Mama" I say

".......You're right it will be very rude to do something like that" Papa said

"It's okay, sweetie" Mama said

"Can I go to my room, now?" I say

They were surprise that I'm already finished, because I was always the last one but now I'm the first one to finish. I excuse myself and go to my room. Mama knocks at the door, I open the door.

"What its it Mama?" I say

"Are you feeling sick or something?" Mama said

"No, Mama, I'm fine don't worry I just studying that all" I say

"Oh! Okay but don't stay late okay" Mama said

*Next day*

"You look happy, Youth Lady, did something happen?" James said

"Nothing much, James can you reach your hand to me....don't call me youth Lady" I say

".......What is this? A watch" James said

"It's called C.L.W" I say

"What is that mean?" James said

"Cell phone, Laptop, Weapon.... Well the red: cell phone, blue: Laptop and green: weapon and the black one is to turn it into watch also the cell phone have GPS it will only track the signal with same watch" I said

"This is very useful, I assume you also have one, am I right" James said

"Yup, but mine is little different from yours because I add an extra button so I can become Blue Spirit without dressing up" I say

We got into the school but we saw the left corner of the school was on fire, I went back inside the car and James smile as all the window of the car closing then he drive where nobody can see me.

Some of the student still inside, I stop the fire by sucking it inside my hands then save the student that trap inside and I fix the damage that been done by the fire. Everyone were thankful, I flew away and went back to where James is. I enter the class and everyone was talking about it for the whole day of school.

I went to the Holy Land after I finish my study and Alex were waiting under the tree as always, we train together with Silver. I went back after 2 years and go to sleep, that night while I sleeping I dream about a blue phoenix she was telling me something but I don't hear it clearly. Silver woke me up, it already morning but there is no school. I spent my day on Holy Land because my parents were working and James is my butler of he is in charge on my so one know that I gone only James knew about it. I'm back and it's already 7pm so I went down and eat dinner with my parents. I couldn't stop thinking about the dream I had.

"Horo, what wrong? You seem spacing out" Papa said

"Nothing......" I say

"Horo, that's not soup" Mama said

"Oh, sorry about that...." I say

"There is definitely wrong with you today" Papa said

"Maybe we need to call the doctor" Mama said

"I'm alright, Papa, Mama, I'm not sick" I say

"But you keep spacing out" Papa said

"There lot of things in my mind that's all..... Can I go to my room, I want to sleep" I say

"Horo" Mama said

"Honey, let her be alone maybe she need some space to think whatever her problem" Papa said

I went to my bed and lay down, I fell asleep. I had same dream but this time I clearly hear what the Phoenix saying.

"Horo, I want to talk, you're for so long... I'm Momo, you who obtain the power of the 9th Blue Spirit, Jane.... Please help me" Momo said

"Wait, what you mean the 9 so you mean there more Blue spirit, where are they? And how can I help" I say

"All the Blue spirits were death, every time they about to die they choose a rightful person who had a kind heart a kindest heart of all and let that person be the inherit all of the powers.... Horo you're the...." Momo said

I woke up for Silver's shaking; I sit down and look at him.

"What is it, Silver?" I say

"It's already 7am and you don't want to be late.... And what with all the sleep talk?" Silver said

"Oh! Crap I'll be late........ I had a dream about a Blue Phoenix name Momo, she said she needs my help and stuff" I say

I left and go to the school.

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