Chapter 14: Momma, I Met a Boy

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You woke up to a kiss on the cheek. You slowly opened your eyes and saw Jensen staring at you. 

"Goodmorning," You said in a groggy voice. 

"You're beautiful." He said, slipping a strand of hair out of your face. All you could do was smile. 

"What time is it?" 

"Time to get up so we can go to your mom's birthday party." He chuckled, kicking off the blankets and raising from the bed. 

You slipped out from your warm cocoon and made your way to the bathroom for a shower. "Wanna join me?" You asked, unbuttoning your pajama top. 

"Uhm... yes," Jensen said, following behind you. 

You turned on the water and finished taking off your clothes before stepping into the scalding water. You turned to wet your hair, and Jensen stepped in behind you. 

"You are so perfect." He complimented again as he poured shampoo into the palm of his hand. He gently started massaging the soap into your scalp. 

"Mmm," You sounded, loving when someone messed with your hair. 

You turned to face him, wetting a cloth and putting soap on it. You washed small circles along Jensen's chest as he rinsed the shampoo out of your hair, careful not to get it in your eyes. 

He leaned down and placed a small kiss on your cheek. "I love you," He whispered. 

"I love you more,"

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You both shouted the songs on the radio as you made the trip to your mom's house. Looking over to Jensen, who was singing every word, you realized how deeply you had fallen in love with him the past several months. You couldn't wait to get there so your mom and best friend could finally meet him. 

"Hey, whatcha thinking about over there?" He asked, pulling you out of your intense thoughts. 

"Nothing," You replied, smiling back at him. 

Soon and you were pulling into the drive of your childhood home. You both walked hand in hand to the doorstep. Before you could knock, the door opened. 

"My baby girl," Your mom said as she brought you in for a hug. 

"Hi, Momma," You replied, hugging her tightly. 

After a few long seconds, the hug was over and she looked over to Jensen. "I'm Katie," Your mother said. 

"Jensen." He replied, holding out his hand. 

"Sorry, I'm a hugger." She said before pushing his hand away and pulling him in for a hug too. 

"It's so great to finally meet you," Jensen said. 

"You too, Dear. She has told me so much about you." She replied as they both stepped out of the hug. "Come on in." 

You both followed her inside and scanned the house at all the visitors. 

"Kasey!" You heard someone yell. You turned around to see your best friend. 

"Oh my gosh," You said as you both embraced each other. "I've missed you." You said honestly. 

"Please, with Mr. Ackles here, I doubt you still knew I still existed. " She said jokingly, and you replied with a gentle shove. 

"Speaking of. Jensen, this is Terin." You said, pointing back to her. 

"Nice to see you again," He said, remembering her from the convention. 

"You too." She replied with a smile. 

"Whos hungry?" Your mom yelled from the kitchen. 

Everyone filed into the kitchen and sat at the table. It felt so good to be back at home with your family and friends. You all sat and enjoyed the meal while catching up with people you hadn't seen in a while. 

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