Setting things straight

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I'm going to be exceedingly busy this week and the next week, so I hope you all understand if there is a longer gap between this and when I publish the next chapter.

Ash's POV- Ash and Dawn's walk

Dawn and I were walking through the forest hand in hand. The green tree tops moving in the slight breeze that was present. There was relative silence between the two of us, due to just enjoying each others company. 

It felt like a huge weight was off my shoulders, so I was able to look around and just enjoy the sights.

My attention was brough back to Dawn when I heard her voice. I looked over at her and found her sapphire eyes looking directly into mine. "So...what did you two talk about?" She asked me, a slight smile present on her face as she spoke.

I chuckled a bit. "With you and Brock as close as you were, I thought you guys would of heard everything." I replied.

Dawn shook her head and started looking around, before pulling me off the path we were on. "No, I couldn't really hear anything that you two said, I just saw you two talking, and then hugging." She said with a slight huff at the end of her sentence.

I picked up on the huff right away as we walked into a clearing that had a small river running through the far end of it. "Dawn? Are you jealous?" I asked her, knowing that I had to do something if this was the case.

Dawn shook her head as she walked over to a spot in the middle of the clearing, that was being illuminated and warmed up by the sunlight. She laid down in the sunlit spot before responding. "No, I'm not jealous, what would give you that impression?" She asked me.

I chuckled a little. "No reason." I said as I laid down beside her.

Dawn looked over at me with mild curiosity present on her face. "So, are you gonna answer the question?" She asked me.

I nodded and smiled. "Yeah of course." I told her.

"So to answer your question, we talked about the who's and why's about what happened, and what's been going on." I said as I tilted my hat down a bit, covering my eyes and shielding them from the sunlight.

"I'm so glad that I went back and got my hat." I thought to myself, allowing myself a quiet chuckle.

"So what did she end up telling you?" She asked me.

"Well, she told me that it was some guy from the Alola region who replaced me, said his name was Cross." I told her.

"The Alola region?" she questioned.

"Yeah, I've never heard of it either, does sound like an interesting place to visit though." I said as I glanced at Dawn.

She nodded and smiled at me. "Maybe one day we can go there." She said, "So how about for the why?" Dawn asked.

"For that, she told me that it was jealousy and paranoia. She said that she was jealous of my traveling companions, and I guess worried that I was going to cheat on her while on my journey." I told Dawn.

Dawn gave me a confused look after I finished talking. "But you'd never do anything like that. You're the most loyal person I know." Dawn said, giving herself a moment to think before continuing. "Where did she even get an idea like that?" She asked.

"Well, if I had to take a guess, it might of been one of her three sisters." I answered as I tilted my hat up to get a look at Dawn.

Dawn looked just as confused as befrore. "Wait, why them?" She asked.

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