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The feeling of betrayal was all I felt. 
To know she has been basically cat fishing me this whole time. 
I hate her. 
she lied this whole time.

To know she was lying the whole time makes me feel sick to my stomach, a pain sets in my throat and in that instant all I want to do is go hide away from her so she can't screw my life up anymore. 

"You what?" That's the only thing that wanted to leave my mouth, the state of shock I was in was painful and cruel. Why? When I think back to the important messages we shared and the meal I thought I was having with Dem my heart skips a beat but my brain is correcting it to the reality of what all those messages were and that date was all fake. 

When I saw she was about to open her mouth to speak I decided to not give her a chance and speak my mind for once in my life. Celebrity or not shes a piece of shit and the only feeling I have left for her is pure hatred. 

"You're just a crappy celebrity who thinks you can play with your fans feelings because you think you're better than everyone else. But guess what you're not and you're just a pathetic excuse for a human being. To act like someone else for fun, just to torture a fan is extremely cruel and you deserve to rot in hell. You're just a filthy rich pig. " my chest was rising and falling harshly and I could barely breath, my lungs were on fire and they hurt, everything hurt so much to the point I felt like I was about to pass out. 

Turning around I ran away from Demi Lovato. I ran from the lies. I ran from the pain. I ran from the hate. I ran from the love. I ran from everything. I needed to breath, fresh air. 

My lungs ached and my heart was tearing into two pieces. My eyes were crying a river and my legs felt numb. Everything felt numb. I didn't want to feel anything anymore everything was hurting and I just did not want to feel. Running in the forest felt good, it felt like I could finally breath a bit. I don't know how long I was running or where I actually ran but I was lost and my phone was completely dead. Great. 

Finally stopping I collapsed to the ground with a loud thud. My heart was racing and it was hard to catch my breath but I managed after a few minutes of taking large breaths in. 

My eyes stung from the crying and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Collecting myself I got off the ground and started to back track the way I came from. A whole bunch of thoughts ran through my head while I walked back through the trail I think I took. 

Does she actually like me? 

Or was it all fake? 

Did she do it for fun? 

Or on accident? 

What does this mean for us? 

She must hate me. I hate her though. That's what my minds telling me but my hearts telling me differently... 

Who can tell me what is right from wrong? 

Should I forgive her or forget her? 

Spotting the road I smiled contently, finally something good in my life is turning out to be good for once. Walking back to my house took forever but I felt so refreshed and relaxed that when I got in and locked all the doors I went into my room I just collapsed and fell asleep. 

Enjoy guy I am so sorry for not updating in a really long time but  I promise to update sooner 

Love Em 

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