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Should I do a face reveal?



Every morning she would walk past my house not noticing me, or anyone around her, she had her nose stuck in a book and she kept walking forward until she got to her destination. Her Y/H/C laid perfectly behind her as it swayed back and forth as she walked. Her Y/C/E eyes were always stuck on a paragraph in a book. She would always walk towards Maggie's they were friends and she would help Maggie clean up and take over her watch if she needed to. She was beautiful but she never noticed me. 

"Hey Carl" I heard her sweet voice for the first time. I was sitting outside on the porch of my house holding Judith as I sat on a white chair. 

"Uh....Hi" I stuttered.

"She's adorable" She said with a smile as she looked at Judith and waved. Judith waved back and she giggled.

"Thanks" I said awkwardly.

"I have to go, but maybe we could talk more later" She said with a kind smile and walked away before I could form words to say back to her. 


Y/N'S P.O.V:

My heart raced as I walked away from Carl. I had always wanted to work up the courage to talk to him but I always just kept my head down in my book and kept walking. But today I actually talked to him. I raced over to Maggie's with a bright smile on my face.

"Hey Kiddo" She greeted me as I closed the kitchen door.

"Hey" I said happily a smile still plastered on my face.

"What's got you in such a good mood" She asked. "Did you finally talk to Carl" She asked excitedly.

"Maybe" I smiled and she laughed.

"Good! You have been wanting to talk to him forever, how did it go" She asked sitting down at the kitchen table. I took a seat across from her and explained how the conversation went.

"Well it's a great start" She said with a smile. 


-Okay that sucked I'm sorry!

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