First Day Of the Last Year Of College

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Tomika's POV
After a week the school starts,i got my things ready and myself ready wow can't believe i'll graduate soon.I am excited to get a job.
And i wanna fix and start my life over again without..

I sighed and bring my bags upstairs my room.I fix my school things and went to bed early after that trip.
When i woke up the next morning i saw my phone beside me,
I got one message from Summer
that make my morning amazing,
she goodluck me at the first day
of college.

I rushed downstairs to do my daily school routine.And rushed away like a wind to school
When i reached my locker i shoved my things in and run to my first class which is mathematics...AFFF...i know borriiinnngggg!!!

I went to an empty chair beside a blonde girl that looks like Jade,she smiled and waved her hand at me and i give back an akward smile.
"Hey i am Connie." she held her hand out for me to shake,and of course i don't wanna be rude so i just shake it."Tomika." i said with a smile.

"Can i eat with you this reccess and lunch?" she asked that i agree."Yep." i sit still back to my chair and continue to right down notes,after the 3 periods straight the bell rings for reccess.

I run downstairs to my locker to get my things for the next class,i run to the cafeteria and saw

I feel like everything start to fall apart again.I saw Connie she was holding a tray she came upon me and left her tray at my table and went to where Zack is sitting.I sit down quietly

looking and focusing my attention to them.Zack and i made a 2 second eye contact that made his smile a straight lips."Tomika come here,"

Connie grab my arm,and drag me to where Zack is sitting."Hey Zack this is my new friend Tomika!" wait,who's Connie at Zack's life bruh??
"Babe can we sit down." BABE!? i was a bit shocked."Zack?" he held his hand out signing me to shake his hand."Tomika." we shaked hands that made me feel uncomfortable.So uncomfortable..

"You know Connie i just really wanna get back to my sit." i went back to my chair and looked at them.GOSH GIRL! you gotta stop falling inlove! you've been hurt a million times! i really have to let him go..

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