Soon The Day Will Come

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Elsa's POV

I wake up to a small voice. My eyes flutter open and I see Jake, he's shaking me.

"What is it, baby?" I look at the alarm clock on my bedside table. Its 3 in the morning.

"Someones here." He whispers. I sit up quickly and pull Jake into my lap.

"What do you mean?" I cant freak out. I have to know what he means before I freak out. But what else could he mean besides someone broke into the house? He should be used to Jack being in the house. And he hasn't gotten out of bed, I think anyways.

"I heard someone moving around downstairs. Something broke and it sounded like a can dropped. The front door just closed." OK. Now I'm freaked out.

"Jack. Jack, wake up." I shake him lightly until he sits up and looks at me with tired eyes.

"What's wrong?" I tell him what Jake said and he nods. "I'll go check downstairs."

"Wait. Take this." I open the small door on my bedside table and take out a small handgun. Jack looks at me with confusion as I hand it to him. "I use to live alone." He nods and stands up. I rock back and forth with Jake in my arms. He starts to drift back to sleep as I hum to him.

"Elsa. You're gonna want to see this." Jack calls out from downstairs.  I put Jake down on the bed and pull the covers over him. After he's all settled in, I walk out of the room and down the stairs. A small gasp escapes me as I look at the state of the house. Broken glass, lamps are on the floor, Paintings are on the floor. I watch the floor as I move toward Jack to make sure I don't step on glass. Once I make it to Jack, I follow his eyes to the wall behind the couch.


Is written on the wall in black spray paint. My hand finds Jack's and I squeeze it.

"What does this mean?" I ask him. He shakes his head.  The time will come for what? Who did this?

The next morning

Jack and I didn't get back to sleep last night. We stayed up picking up the glass, painting, lamps, and everything else that had been messed up. Luckily, Jack had leftover paint from when he moved into this house, so we covered over the Message on the wall. It looked like nothing ever happened. That was what we wanted. We didn't want Jake to see this. It was around 8 in the morning and Jack and I were laying on the couch. Extremely tired but unable to sleep.

"Do you think it was for you or me?" I ask. I feel Jack's head move back and forth slowly. I was laying on his chest and his head was rested on mine.

"I don't know." This was just great. I'm supposed to be at work right now but instead, I'm afraid to leave Jake. I could always bring him, but I want to be with Jack. He makes me feel more safe and secure. We both look up as Jake walks down the stairs. He was dressed and had a backpack on. Shit. He's supposed to back to school. Whoever this person was, he chose a really bad time to do what he did. Jake was already an hour late for school. I sit up and walk over to him, bending down to his level.

"I'm sorry honey. I completely forgot about school. Do you still want to go today? You're an hour late." He nods.

"I miss my friends." I nod and stand up.

"Why don't you go sit with Uncle Jack while I go get dressed." He nods and walks to the living room. I run up the stairs and put on an outfit. I grab a white sweater dress, dark brown leggings, and brown boots. Good enough.

 Good enough

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