chapter 18

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tw; mentions of blood

phil's pov

and just as soon as it started, it ended. every feeling of anger and regret towards him melted away as i swept him up in my arms and shoved the weapon from his hand. i want so badly to help him, but i know that i won't be able to do it myself. he needs real medical attention, someone to successfully diagnose and treat his clouded vision of happiness and his own self worth.

his mouth echoes with sobs and my arms clench tighter around him. "how, how could you possibly have known?" he shudders, violently bawling, his whole body rocking in distress.

"shh, don't speak. just breathe. i'll try to explain, okay? imagine that you're in the midst of a battle, arguing and throwing things and summoning all hatred, but suddenly something small catches your eye. a signal of something less relevant, but yet still more important. like a bird falling from a tree. it causes a pang in your heart, and grips your attention. and maybe that birds reminds you of someone else struggling, and you realise that they deserve to be helped. they should not be blamed for every misspoken word or wrong decision.

it was sort of like that, i felt the faintest presence of pain, like something was wrong. you were the first face that came to mind, i knew i needed to check on you. so, i rushed here. i'm not quite sure what came over me, but suddenly i was running to your door, barging into your house. i'll never be able to accurately describe what i felt, but i knew this is where i needed to be."

the end of my sentence is left ringing in my ears. i'm terrified, and the strong smell of his blood against my own skin is making me lightheaded. i sink to the ground setting him gently in my lap. i open a nearby few drawers before i find a towel. i place it gently against his arm, unsure exactly of what to do. i pull my phone out of my pocket, because i simply have no other choice than to call for help. that's what's best.

"please don't fight me on this, and please don't hate me," i whisper against the top of his head, kissing it quickly and meaningfully.

i dial for the police hastily, talking with a direct and fragile tone. they're on their way. they'll take him to the hospital, dress his wounds, contact his parents, and hopefully give him the assistance he needs.

"hey dan," i whisper at him. "i know this is tough, but it's necessary. i need you to be safe, and alive. i love you, i think, but i'm too young and naive to try and save you. this is a professional matter. but i promise to be beside you every step of the way."

he nods against my chest, snuggling closer to me. "i think i love you too, phil lester."

a/n i know that this is super short, and that there are still some questions, but i'm trying to wrap this up a bit before my final exams. hang tight, i'm sorry about this. love you all, see you very soon.

and thank you so much for 8k

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