Chapter 38

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(A/N: Here, have a picture of my other crush when he was young. Enjoy this untitled chapter.)

"Good morning, Darling." You heard Loki spoke as he teleported inside your apartment. He said that it would be best if you just stay in Midgard so you wouldn't be bored all the time.

And yet, he forbid you to go have job. You disobeyed though. You really need to find a hobby and payment for the rent that didn't come from Loki.

"It's too early to annoy, Loki." You greeted him back and offered him a seat to join you for breakfast.

"Are you sure about that, Mortal?" He asked and sat beside you. "I believe that I have spent enough time in your head. I shall like to have my rest."

"I miss you too." you replied and gave him dessert a little too early. Loki smiled childishly as he saw the pudding in front of him.

"Are you spoiling me, my love?" He questioned but you kept your mouth shut. He may or may not know what the occasion is and you've decided to give him until 5 p.m. before you punish him for forgetting.

"Don't talk. You need to finish breakfast and get back to Asgard for your king stuff." You said not giving any hint for him. Obviously, Loki set it aside knowing he won't ever get you to say the reason why.

A few minutes after, you found yourself in the middle of the mall. Trying to find something that you're sure Loki would love. You've spent most of the day buying decorations, mostly everything is red for love but you added green for Loki.

You smiled at your Christmas themed apartment after what you will do.

"Where can I get help?" You groaned and slumped at the corner of the mall with all the bags of things you brought.

Motivated that you won't accomplish anything by slumping at the corner of the mall looking like a hotshot who just got bankrupt, you stood and tried to get to your apartment and start decorating.

"Let me help you with that." A man in spandex asked you while you make your way through an alley. He approached you fast and his lenses squint like it was smiling.

"If it isn't Spider-man." You said and handed him half of your bags. He took as step-back as his lenses widen.

"Woah, Lady, you know who I am?!" He exclaimed then began rumbling his words and doing odd gestures with his hands while talking and talking and talking. Pretty sure he doesn't know how to shut up.

"You can stop now, Parker." You sighed when you reached the front of your apartment building. This shocked him even more making him ramble his words.

"I-i'm... not. Who is this puny Parker? I'm Peter-man... U mean, Spider-man... I mean, I mean Spider-man." He stuttered then cursed before throwing a teenage tantrum in front of you but not directly at you. He's still blaming himself. "You won't tell anyone would you?"

"You have a lot to learn, Kid. Tell my dad I said hi and sorry." You just said and went inside. The moment you did, it hit him. You're a Stark. He just talked to a Stark... Well, sure he talked to Tony but at least there's another one.

"Lady!! Lady!" Peter yelled and climbed through your window. You scolded him for dropping in and scaring you but you weren't that mad. "I got scolded by Tony."

You laughed at the thought of Tony scolding someone like a parent but when Spidey explained the Vulture thing and how he dumped him in a body of water. You did what Tony did but since you can relate more. You mildly encouraged him.

Then he started helping you decorate the room with the things you bought while you cook dinner and gave him some.


"What is with the decorations, Mortal?" Loki popped in again partially making you jolt up. You turned around and quickly run for your room but Loki held your arm to stop you. "I didn't startle you that bad, didn't I?"

"Uhm... I'm not quite dressed yet." You explained and pointed to the whole of you.

"Nonsense. You look perfect." He replied making you smile but then you frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Do you remember what today is?" You asked and he let go before taking out a paper. His smile a bit sweeter, his gaze still reflect yours.

"I shall let you know my answer after this." He said rather nervous but nevertheless, continued.

Darling, you're more than the sun.
Too lovely for words to describe
The moon and the stars shall envy your beauty
As you shine your glittering vibe.

Darling, My heart is your jewel
Take my kingdom as your crown
My mind as your throne and my words as the music
I'll sing 'till we're old.

A year had passed and you are mine.
Mine yet not mine entirely.
So, here I am. A gallant king, on his knees.
Begging, will you marry me?

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