Oddball - I

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Lucas had always been a bit of weird, Drake thought, so why was it surprising him so much to see Lucas there? It should have made perfect sense, really, because this was the boy who had, on his first day to school, come dressed in a red woolly hat, bright yellow scarf, blue sweater and board shorts! Yet…maybe because his being there actually made him seem cool. The tragedy with his clothing had been three years ago, and Lucas had since learned to dress, but it was too little too late he’d died a social death that very day, and although Drake was an advocate for celebrating diversity, he couldn’t bring himself to talk to Lucas.

In fact, if he could have avoided that encounter, he would have.

“Hey, can I help you?”

Drake started at seeing the blond-haired boy standing beside him. He blinked twice, having momentarily forgotten what he was doing in Bernard’s Museum, but quickly regained his wits.

“I,uh,” why was Lucas standing so close to him? “Yeah. I’m looking for a little kid. She’s called Anna.”

“You’re going to have to give me more than that,” he said easily, smiling, “we get loads of little kids here.”

He misinterpreted Drake’s look of surprise. “Yeah, I know,” he continued, “it’s hard to believe but kids are actually fascinated by this stuff. The dinosaurs, especially.”

Drake couldn’t think of anything to say. Stop being so weird! “Yeah,” he cleared his throat eventually, “uh, she’s about this high,” his hand came above his waist, “I mean that tall and she’s got short brown hair. A bit chubby, I guess, and wears glasses.”

Lucas’ eyes clicked in recognition. “Right, right. I know who you’re talking about. She’s here with a group of friends?”

Drake nodded dumbly. His face had become hot from the little slip he’d made – Anna was that high? Really? What had he been thinking? It was embarrassing, to say the least, and strangely, it didn’t help that Lucas had chosen not to acknowledge it.

“Drake!” his little sister’s voice brought him out of his thoughts. He’d followed Lucas, he realized, to the skeleton of some dinosaur- Diplodocus, the plaque read.

“Hey kiddo. Ready to go home?” his words came out stiff – Lucas was still standing close to him – too close – and it was making him uncomfortable.

“Do we have to?” she pouted.

“Mum wants you home,” he was still focused on the shorter boy from the corner of his eyes.

“But we’re having so much fun!”

Anna’s friends chose to voice their protest too.

“Yeah, Drake, it’s so much fun!”

“It’s so cool here!”

“Let us stay a bit longer!”

“Guys, guys,” Drake put his arms up in defense, “relax. Can’t do anything. All your mums want you home now.”

“But Drake-”

“We really, really-”

“Don’t want to go yet!”


The commotion they were making was starting to draw attention. Drake felt his face heat up further.

“Guys,” he hissed, “keep it down!”

“We don’t want to leave yet!” Anna wailed, even louder.

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