Spare him the effort

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Chapter 30

Ella's P.O.V:

(Please read the A/N at the end of the chapter)

I slowly opened my eyes but quickly shut them again as the light pierced my vision. I winced in pain at the burning behind my eyes. I heard a sharp, rhythmic peeping sound.

Where was I?

I hesitantly blinked my eyes open. My vision exploded in white and I gritted my teeth at the pain. Slowly my vision cleared and I glanced around the room. Everything was so bright and white. Why was everything white?

I pushed myself onto my elbows and groaned as pain exploded across my head. I hurriedly sat up to avoid more pain and leaned back into the cushions behind me.

That's right.

I was in a hospital room.

"Well hello, dear. How are you feeling?" a voice chirped from the doorway. I looked up and saw a woman in her later thirties. She was in a nurse uniform and had a clipboard by her side.

"Like I was hit by a truck," I answered with a wince. "What happened?"

"You had quite a nasty fall. You hit your head which caused a concussion. According to the brain scans we took you had one not too long ago. You'll have to be more careful now, dear. Another hit like that and you could end up with serious damage," the nurse chided her playfully, but with a grave undertone.

"Ella!" a familiar voice shrieked from the doorway. I looked away from the nurse to see three familiar figures walking into the room. Well two of them was walking the other one was sprinting.

"I was so worried," Mony cried as she dived into me. Her tiny arms snaked around my waist. Her shoulders shook as she sobbed against me. I hugged her back and gently stroked her hair.

"I'm alright. Don't cry, Mony. I'm fine," I soothed her.

"You almost weren't," Kane said from the doorway.

"Yeah, that was quite a nasty fall you had. You should be more careful, Ella," Simon added with raised eyebrows, reminding me of the fabricated lie.

"Yeah," I hummed stroking the back of my neck sheepishly. "Guess I should have watched where I was going." Simon gave a small nod of approval while the nurse finished with my check-ups. She smiled at me and quietly left the room, reminding the guys of visitation hours.

"How long until I am discharged?" I asked the guys knowing they would have heard from the doctors.

"At least two days," Simon informed me with a stern look. I gaped at him and stuttered in protest.

"I don't want to hear it, young lady. You are staying here until they discharge you," Simon insisted and I glared at him.

"I'm two months older than you," I murmured angrily. "What about Mony and rent and school and-"

"Simon and I already discussed it. Mony can stay with me. My mother would love to see her again and when you're discharged you're coming to stay with me as well," Kane interrupted me. I quickly shook my head in disagreement but stopped when a sharp pain surged through my forehead.

"Come on, Mony. Let's go get some food," Simon urged Mony. He could probably sense we were going to argue and wanted to give us the freedom to mention things Mony shouldn't hear. She squeezed me tighter and I hugged her. Her tears had stopped falling.

"Go on, sweaty. I'll be right here when you get back," I assured her. She looked up at me with tear filled eyes. I lifted my hand and wiped away the remaining tears on her cheeks. She shook her head and squeezed her eyes tightly to get rid of her tears. Simon left the room hand in hand with Mony while I attempted to sit up.

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