Christmas at fairy tail

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Christmas at the fairy tail guild was pure chaos and Gajeel hated it, there are too many people and it's too loud, Gajeel would prefer to spend Christmas alone or a mission and that's was what he was going to do but of course levy wouldn't let him just as he was about to take a mission she took it out of his hands.

"It's Christmas you are not going on a mission" Levy stated firmly "I hate Christmas" Gajeel muttered "that's only because you haven't had anyone to spend it with, this year you have a family" Levy replied softly smiling "I don't want to spend Christmas here, I'd prefer to be on a mission kicking the shit out of someone and getting paid."

Levy just sighed "you are not going on a mission and that's the end of it, now tomorrow we're having a party so you better be here," she said glaring up at him, he couldn't help but chuckle 'I've been a terrible influence on her' he thought.

Mira put scraps of iron on the bar counter when Gajeel sat down at the bar, "what's wrong?" She asked when he sighed "Levy's forcing me to come to this Christmas party and won't let me go on a mission" he replied easily "did you get everyone something?" She asked "just Levy and Lilly" he replied.

"You know if you don't buy other people something they'll be upset" Mira replied smiling "you're going to force me to go shopping aren't you?" Gajeel asked with a knowing a look "yep" she replied, she walked away and found someone to cover her shift before coming back to Gajeel, "let's go" she said still smiling.

After an hour of shopping, they both had gotten presents for their close friends and thankfully all the presents were already wrapped "there's a little charity shop around the corner I'd like to go to" Mira said.

When they walked in Gajeel decided to walk around but stopped instantly when he noticed two little Dragons one was made out of metal and looked strangely like Metalicana, the other one looked like it was made out of gold, the scales looked like thousands of small lightning bolts, the gold dragon laid down on a small wooden box, on the box there was carved a lightning bolt as the scar Laxus had over his eye.

"Something wrong?" Mira asked now standing next to him "just thinking that it looked like Metalicana" Gajeel replied he reached past the Iron dragon and picked up the golden one, he walked over to cashier "could you wrap it please?" Gajeel asked politely, "will you put these under the tree at the guild for me," Gajeel asked "sure."

Everyone that bought someone in the guild something for Christmas would have to put it under the tree, then on the day of Christmas everyone would sit down and open them, most people would drink, some would just sit quietly and others would just be rowdy.

Mira took all the presents back to the guild with her, they knew who the presents were for because when they took a short break they wrote all the names on them, of course, Gajeel didn't write that any of them were from him, the only one he kept with him was the one he had just bought he would take that to the guild tomorrow.

Tomorrow was Christmas eve and that would be when the Guild celebrated together, actual Christmas day was for family or friends, and of course, everyone in the guild was family but they did have families outside of the guild.

"Mira, put the mistletoe up at the guild's doors please" freed spoke smiling slightly "okay" she replied "thank you" he replied before walking out of the guild, Freed with the rest of the thunder legion, "Laxus it's time to go" Freed said knocking on Laxus's front door, a few seconds's later he walked out of the house, wearing his usual outfit consisting of a purple button-down and his black fur coat, "let's go" he said waiting for them to start walking.

"He's not coming," Levy said annoyed to Mira "you stay here and enjoy yourself I'll go get him," Mira said happy to help "you don't have to, I can go get him" Levy replied now smiling "Its fine I'm happy to help" she replied walking out of the guild. On the way towards Gajeel's house she ran into him, "I was just coming to get you, Levy didn't think you would show up" Mira supplied helpfully.

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