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When returning to Hogwarts for the final time before the battle. Ron, Harry and Hermione search for ways to weaken the Dark Lord. While doing so, they encounter Snape. Thinking that he murdered Albus Dumbledore out of cold blood, they confront him. Snape then flees without a single remark. A little later Harry, Ron and Hermione witness Snape being attacked by the Dark Lord himself and his snake Nagini. By the time Voldemort leaves it is clear that Snape is so badly hurt he won't survive. The only thing snape was able to do is give Harry tears that contain memories from his past. With one final remark, "you have your mothers eyes"
In the memories we discover that Snape was really a good guy and was asked by Dumbledore to be the one to kill him as said above. We also learn that Snape was in love with Lily Potter, and we learn that everything Snape ever did was all to protect Harry. When Lily died, he knew that voldemort would come back for Harry and that he would be vulnerable. So he vowed that day to always protect Harry on Lily's behalf.

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