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No ones pov~

The whole jade winglet was in history class, Webs was rambling about Darkstalkers time, but I don't think anyone was listening, "Prince Arctic was a very sw-" he started but was cut  off by Luna who suddenly started a coughing fit, Webs and the Jade and Copper winglet looked at her with concern "You ok sis?" Nova asked getting up and patting her back, "Ye-Yeah I'm fi-" she started and coughed again "I don't think this is what you call fine" Qibli said, Moon and Kinka nodded "No seriously" Luna said, and suddenly Winter stepped forward and put his talon on her head to check her temperature, Everyone was surprised "Uh... What the hell are you doing Ice skater?!" She demanded, "Your sick" Winter said, "Well one of you take her to the medical room" Webs said "And since you have so much concern for Queen Glory's daughter I suggest you go take her" he finished gesturing to Winter, Winters eyes narrowed "I don't have concern for sloth breath over here but since you ordered me to I'll do it" Winter said and grabbed Luna and slung her over his shoulder like a potato sack "HEY!! WHAT THE FUCK!! LET ME GO!!" Luna shouted as she and Winter left the room "I just suggested" Webs said "He did it out of his own free will sir" Moon said, "Do they... Like each other?" Nova asked excitedly, "Now, now settle down" Webs ordered "You can discuss this later, when I mean later I mean after class"

With Luna and Winter

"Why are you still here?" Luna asked annoyed but on the inside she wanted him to stay "Because I'm supposed to take care of you"Winter replied plainly, her brow softened and she smiled, Winter glanced at her and felt a feeling in his stomach but he shook it off, Luna was quite as Darkstalker came in "Here here"Darkstalker said "I didn't know you had a girlfriend Winter" they both froze "WE ARE NOT A COUPLE!!!"They both shouted but Luna started a coughing fit again, Winter gently patted her on the back

Why am I even caring about this hybrid?

Because you like her

No!! I don't!!! Stop it!!

I won't, I'm your conscience

Well...... I got nothing but I refuse to argue with myself!!!

Luna finally stopped, "I think you have a fever and a cough"Darkstalker said as he checked her temperature on the thermometer, "I'll be fine" she said hoarsely, Darkstalker shook his head "No you are not fine" he said firmly, she rolled her eyes "Listen, I am a trained assassin and I have got more scars than you can think, this is nothing" Luna said, Winters eyes narrowed "You are not fine, and you will stay in our dorm until your ok, got it?" He asked with such authority that Luna couldn't do anything but nod her head

With the others

They were heading to the medical room to see how Luna and Winter were getting along, "Hey Darkstalker!" Moon greeted, Darkstalker's eyes lit up happily when he saw Moon and the other "Ah, my favorite patient" Darkstalker teased "If your looking for Winter and his very fiesty and stubborn girlfriend then they both went to Winters dorm" Qibli nearly chocked on the air, Moons eyes widened, Turtle bit back a yawn to gasp and Kinka squealed like a little girl "SEE!! I TOLD YOU THEY BOTH LIKE EACHOTHER!!! THEY DIDN'T EVEN TELL US THEY WERE DATING!!!" Kinka yelled, Everyone facetaloned, "Kinka.... It was sarcasm"Qibli explained, Kinka 'Ohhhed' "Let's go meet them then!!" Kinka said again as she bounded out of the room and accidently knocked off a few scrolls and a medical kit which landed on Turtles leg as he yelped, she left the room and then her head poked in again "Sorry about the mess Darkstalker!!! I'll clean it later!!! I first wanna see my ship sail!!"she squealed as she left again leaving everyone confused.

With Luna and Winter (and the others now)

Luna was fast asleep as was Winter but Luna was on the bed and Winter  was on the floor, When Kinkas foot touched the floor both of then woke up standing in battle positions with growls, Everyone sweatdropped and stepped back, it took them a few seconds to register that it was just their friends and they calmed down, "Oh fuck you Kinka!! You scared me half to death!!" Luna scowled, Kinka rolled her eyes "Whatever, how are you feeling?" Kinka asked concern shown clearly in her voice, "Oh im-" she started but was cut off by Winter "Not fine" he said "She has a fever and a cough so she will stay in this room until she gets better and if she needs anything she will call us and we will get it" he finished, Luna growled and plopped back onto her bed with her back facing the others "Don't you think that's a little too much" Qibli asked, "She can hate me all she wants but she will go with my rules so that she can get better" Winter proclaimed and left "And Luna, I'm doing this so you can get better, I'm not punishing you" he called, Luna smiled a bit as he left
Huh, never expected Winter to be so caring.... Maybe.... I can war-

Nononononono!!! I cannot be falling for him!!! More than half of the girls are after him!!! Why would he even like me?!?! And besides I don't like him anyways

Luna knew she was lying to herself, but little did she know that Winter had the same thought

Fuck that took too long! Shit.... Finally finished this chapter.... Anyways... Comment and Vote

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