If there's a will, there's a way (Interview)

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Genevieve Au or GenHeartsYou ^^ 

How often do you update your story?

Every two days or so

Square or Circle? Why?

Circle because Chinese believe it represents a whole family 

Describe yourself as a person.

I'm a teenager with four siblings with a passion for read and writing.

What would you name your first child?

If it's a boy, then Alexander, if it's a girl, then Noelle but personally, I want a boy

Where is your favorite place to sleep?

On my sofa ^^

I you could be any food which would you be?

Ice-cream so I can stay in the freeze! :D 

Which do you think has more sugar? Lemons or Strawberries?


Lemons on average have more sugar in them than strawberries. What color are your favorite shoes?


What have you been writing on Wattpad?

My first story here, The Guardians of Cosmos.

What is your favorite saying?

If there's a will, there's a way

Do you spell color with a 'U'?

Yes, dunno why through...

What do you think of when you hear someone having a normal life?

Two parents, three kids, average grades

College (skinny lines) or Wide (wide lines) rule for your notebook paper?

College, school rules

At first I thought you were saying "school rules" as in school is awesome. Are there really unlucky things? 

Yes, especially Friday the Thirteenth

My co-writer's 20th birthday was January Friday the Thirteenth. What is your take on skinny Jeans?

Okay? I'm skinny so skinny and skinny goes well together 

Why are trees so tall and bushes so short?

Ask Mother Earth. Kidding, I guess it's just life

Are you old enough to vote?

As in president and such? Unfortunately, no

What would you like to say to your fans and future readers?

Hi, thanks for fanning me/reading this. I really don't know what to say, I'm a shy girl, you know. Anyway, here's a big THANK YOU for you! :D Love you guys so much! <3

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